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"Y/N!! Come here right now!!"

"I'm coming Mum!"

I left my room feeling a bit scared knowing that my mum spoke to me in her mad tone. What did I do? As I entered the kitchen, my mum showed me the television. I couldn't believe my eyes, it couldn't be...

"Mum, is that what I think it is-?"

"Yes Sweetie! We won, We won the EUROVISION. Italy won after more than 30 years!"

"Who were Italy's singers this year mum?"

She pointed at the TV and her hand was over her mouth.. it was them....


I couldn't believe it! I've been supporting them since 2017 when they made their first appereance on X Factor. I was stunned seeing all of them again. They've changed so much! I felt like I was reliving my teenage years again! They were all my favourite celebrities back in the day.

Ethan is more advanced in drums now. He always looked like a shy and loving person.

Thomas is amazing at the guitar. He can hit every note! He doesn't speak that much English but always works hard.

Victoria is a beautiful woman. She plays bass and feels the music.

And lastly, we have Damiano. Damiano was my first celebrity crush. The only thing I ever talked about for 2 years straight was always about Damiano.

They've all improved from X Factor.

Seeing him again after 2 years made me have butterflies in my stomach. He was such a handsome man back in 2017 and even more in 2021. My mind took me back in the good old days when I used to day dream about the man of my dreams and write about him in my journals and-

I got back to reality with a snap of my mum's fingers.

"Aren't you going out with Sammy tomorrow morning?"

"Oh yeah! I completely forgot. I better sleep now!"

"Sure Y/NN. Have a good sleep bella. Goodnight amore!"

"Goodnight mummy. Love you!"

I went back to my room and had a good sleep, if you CAN say that. Of course I couln't sleep. I thought about him all night, and all my teenager dreams filled my body up. I was smiling for each day dream.

It can't be though- I can't love him again, but it was happening all again...


A/N: hey beauties!! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!! Remember To Vote and I hope you'll like the upcoming chapters🤍

i left and you came back...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant