'Bella, bella, bella'

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I was woken up the next day by Damiano playing with my hair. I turned around facing him and saw his beautiful eyes meet mine.

"Buongiorno bella. Had to wake you up nicely." He said giggling.

"Buongiorno bello. What time is it?"

"Quater past 7."

"That early?" I said groaning and putting my head back to sleep. Damiano quickly woke me up by taking off the covers off of me and pulling me out of bed. I had to face reality and wake up. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and realised that my face was full of makeup and I was wearing the same clothes from yesterday.

I added toothpaste onto my toothbrush and started brushing while Damiano got out the makeup wipes, preparing them for me to clean my face.

"So you know where the makeup wipes are?" I asked jokingly thinking he got them from my luggage.

"Yeah, I got them from my luggage." He said still in sleep mode.

"How come did I forget to wipe off my face? And my clothes?" I asked him confused.

"You don't remember? You slept whilst we were hugging. And to be honest, I was doubting if I should take off your makeup and your clothes but-"

"But what?"

"I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable because of it, you know..." he said taking a deep breath. By the time we were havung this conversation, I was taking off my makeup and fixing ny hair making it look more presentable.

After he said that, I felt butterflies in my stomach, I tried to hold myself together but I was blushing too hard that I couldn't control it.

"Dami, you should know by now that I don't feel uncomfortable around you at all. And to be honest, what I do feel is protection and security. Something that I don't really feel most of the time..." I said regretting everthing.

I shouldn't have said that.
He must have so many questions in his
mind right now.
He must feel so uncomfortable.
He must hate me now.

I shouldn't have said that.
Telling him he is my protection and that
I feel safe around him? What was I
Being so confident with the walls I've
built for this moment....
and now, my words have broken the

"Lo prendo come un complimento." He said laughing with his crossed arms showing all the tattoos that I've never seen before.

("I should take that as a compliment".)

After he said that, my walls were built again, stronger than ever....

I didn't feel ashamed that I told him about me being secure, protected and safe with him...

"Puoi prenderlo come un complimento, se vuoi. Ora, se mi scusi, vorrei fare una doccia." I said and went to my luggage to get the clothes I'll be wearing for the first sound check that we have.

("You can take that as a compliment if you want. Now if you excuse me, I would like to have a shower.")

"Non tardare. Dobbiamo essere alla sala colazione tra 20 minuti."

("Don't take long. We have to be down at the breakfast area in 20 minutes.")

"Non lo farò!!"

("I won't!!")

10 minutes later, I was out of the bathroom dressed while Damiano was putting on his shirt. I went on the balcony, took my notrbook and my cigarettes. I lit up one of my cigarettes and opened my notebook and started writing.

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