In the car

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...We all turned to Thomas to hear what he has to say while I parked the car.

T: "Ragazzi, should us 3 order the coffees and take them all back to the home studio? To make things faster?"

"Sure, who is gonna order?"

E: "Me, Thomas and Vic can go and order"

V: "Okay, let's go then. There seems to be quite a line so we better hurry. Dee and Y/NN, what do you want?"

D: "I'll get a black coffee and Y/N is getting a Vanilla Frap."

"How did you know that is what I wanted?"

D: "I have my ways..."

E: "Okay you two. We are gonna get them. If it takes long, we apologise."

"Don't worry Edgar, we will wait in the car."

Thomas, Ethan and Victoria all left ans went inside the Café while I was left in the car witth Damiano...

Damiano P.O.V.

I waited for the rest to get out of Y/N's car and to go inside. When they were in and left my sight, I turned to Y/N and I locked eyes with her. She had beautiful green eyes and everytime I looked in them, I felt different. It was different then seeing Giorgia's eyes, Vic's eyes or the boys' eyes. Once we locked we turned our face quicly and looked out the window. Y/N started the conversation with a question.

Y/N's P.O.V.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you know that the Vanilla Frap was the one I wanted?"

"Well, when I saw you the first time, I remember eavesdropping to your conversation with the waiter saying you wanted that and somehow, I remembered."

We both chuckled and I locked eyes with him again once more. Ugh, this is gonna be hard. I had to work with him now, look into his eyes most of the time and hear his husky voice.

"Well, you have a good memory Damiano David."

"Do we get posh now, with that British accent!  Using my full name huh?"

We laughed once more and Damiano asked a question of his own. I guess he haerd my accent that came from dad...

"So bella, may I ask you about your dad? It's okay if you don't want to respond because I know the song was about him."

"Well, since I wrote the song when I was around 7, it was a time where my dad was really the best dad in the world and he was like that untill December 19th 2013....

December 19th 2013-flashback.
TW: Death and abuse⚠️

I was in the kitchen drawing the house me, my mum and my dad lived in. It was a beautiful house with a front yard, a backyard with a mini playground for me to play in whenever it didn't rain. Mum was washing the dishes and dad was in the living room reading a newspaper with soft country music playing. At the time, it was home. It was my comfort zone, a place where I felt safe in, cherish all my memories and my forever place and forever home... or so i thought....

As I started filling in the colours for my drawing,  the phone started to ring. It was my dad's phone and it was on the round circle table I was colouring on. Dad put his newspaper down and picked up the call. The number on the small screen was 999....

My dad looked shocked to see that number and my mum gave him the look to pick it up in the bedroom.

"Hey amore, mummy and daddy are going to the bedroom real quick, we will be here soon sweetie."

"Okay, mummy. Then can I sho-."

I looked back up from my drawing and realised that they were already upstairs. The ground floor was gloomy and lonely. I realised that it must be serious for mama and papa to go upstairs to answer the phone. I tip toed upstairs and turned to the left corner where my mum and dad where. The door was slightly open so I had an ear shot ro hear the conversation.

"Hello sir, is this Martin Y/L?"

"Yes, it is me. What seems to be the problem?"

"I am sorry to inform you that your brother Finn had been in a very bad car accident and is currently rushed to the London Hospital."

From the crack, I saw dad dropping the phone out of his hand, he grabbed a jacket and rushed down the stairs, sobbing. Mum looked worried sick and she knew this wasn't going to be well. She took the phone and told the dispatcher that he was on his way. My mum gave me a sigh and realised that now, I know what just happened, my uncle might die...

Mama rushed to me, lifted me up and gave me a hug while I sobbed in her shoulder. I didn't want to lose uncle Finn, he was my bestfriend. I told all my secrets to him. By the time the ambulance arrived to the hospital, Uncle Finn was dead due to blood loss.

The next 3 months without him were a living hell. Dad used to leave the house and come back late at night. Everytime I tried to show him something, he would slap me calling me worthless and a disgrace. Those words hurt like a knife. Everytime he said something to me or slapped me, mum would quickly come to my defence and stop dad but it would make it worse by slapping her and doing things to her that I wasn't suppose to know about at a young age...

flashback is over

Telling Damiano my story who nobody knew about aparrt from Sammy made ma emotional with a few tears going down my cheeks. Damiano showed his soft side and with his thumb, he wiped away the tears. His hands on me gave me comfort after telling him my story..

"Y/N, I am sorry for bringing that up and I am sorry that all that happened to you."

"It's okay. You were going to know one day or another."

Damiano looked at me in the eyes and got out of the car, went at the back and came on my side of the car. He opened the door like a gentleman and gave me his hand. I placed my hand onto his and he got me out of the car and pulled me into a hug.

"Y/N, non avresti mai dovuto passare attraverso quello. sei un'amorevole, dolce ragazza di talento. Voglio che tu sappia che come mia migliore amica, non ti tratterò mai così."

("Y/N, you should have never went through that. you are a loving, sweet talented girl. I want you to know that as my bestfriend, I will never treat you like that.")

"Awe Dami, grazie per queste parole. Non sai quanto significhino per me."

("Awe Dami, thank you for those words. You don't know how much they mean to me.")

"Nessun problema amore. Ti amo"

("No problem love. Love you.")

"Anch'io ti amo."

We stayed in the hug for around 2 minutes. I cried in his arms and he wiped every single one. He looked at me and kissed my forehead in a reassuring way. We both went back in the car and I layed my head on his shoulder untill the others came with the coffees...


Hey luvs! I love this one so much! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for any typos. Ti amo💜

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