At the Café

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It was 8.30AM. I woke up and did my morning routine.

Morning Routine:

I took a shower and listened to some music. Of course, I played some of Måneskin's songs. A few songs that played were "I wanna be your slave, For Your Love and Beggin'". They were all great hits but it was only the beginning. I went into the kitchen and saw my mum making the final touches for the homemade pancakes she made for breakfast.

"Good Morning Y/N"

"Buongornio Mama"

"How was your sleep?"

"Pretty good, being honest. How about you?"

Last night was such a memorable night. I felt like a teenager again. Seeing them again was amazing.

"It was a good sleep. I made your favourite for today! Pancakes with blueberries and Strawberries!"

"Awe! Thanks Ma! You didn't have to though"

"Oh Y/NN by the way, were you hearing some of måneskin's songs while you were showering?"

My mouth was full of pancakes and I froze when she asked that question.

"Maybe... Yeah I was. Since last night, my obsession came back and I can't help it. They improved so much!"

"My little girl! With those words, you reminded me when you were 13 years old again. The only thing you talked about was Damiano, all the time."

"Yeah Mama! Well, these pancakes were delicious but, I got to continue. I have to meet up with Sammy at 10. She's gonna come and pick me up soon"

"It's okay sweetie, give Sammy a big hug from me. I have to go at the shops now"

"Okay ma. Love you and Be Safe"

"Love you too sweetie. Bye Amore"

I went back to my room to choose my outfit. It was a warm day so I decided to wear a croped black t-shirt, ripped denim jeans and black shoes. I love this fit so much!

I did a simple makeup look. I did some eyeliner, mascara and some lipgloss. For my hair, I did some messy waves and put it up in a ponytail.

By the time I finished, it was 9.15 and Sammy was coming to pick me up at around 9.20, I packed my bag and took essential things. My phone, keys, wallet and a charger.

My phone started to ring, it was Sammy. She must've arrived and is outside the house.

"Heyy dumbo"

"Hey bestie"

"I am infront of your door and we were gonna go to our Favourite Café!"

"Sounds good to me! I'm coming right now!"

I hung up the phone and went to the front door. There, I saw Sammy in her car. I locked the house and ran to her car"

"Hey Sammy!!"

"Hey Y/N! Are you ready to go?"

"Yep, think so!"

Sammy turned on her car, and we were on the road to the Café. It takes us about 15 minutes to get their.

"So Y/NN, you saw them yesterday on the TV right?"

I knew she was referring to Måneskin. I can't say no! She knows me too darn well.

"Yeah, I did. They are all so hot though from 2018!!"

"I know right! When I saw them, my first reaction was your recation seeing them! You must have had so much butterflies in your stomach!"

"Only if you knew! I couldn't count them all! Let's play some music. Shall we?"

"Yeah let's do that!"

I turned up the radio and the song 'Drivers Licence' and we sang our heart out. On the way there, we sang songs in such a horrofic way, joked around and talked about Maåneskin.

After 15 minutes, we arrived at the Café. We went in and took a table. Sammy ordered a cappucino with extra chocolate while I ordered a Vanilla Frap. We were having such a good time.

Suddenly, there were lots screams and shouts coming from the streets outside the Café. There were a lot of people surrounding a group. Paparazzi taking photos, television channels asking them questions and people wanting a picture. I couldn't tell who untill I heard his voice.

It was Màneskin

I couldn't believe it. Sammy was looking at me and shaking me in excitment. My jaw was on the floor. They were so hot. They got a table right next to us and I couldn't breathe at his moment. I saw them all! Victoria, Ethan, Thomas and Damiano. But, there was someone next to Damiano, holding her hand...

Sammy looked at me and I looked back. We both realized that he was dating someone. If jealousy was a person, I would have been its dinner. I felt jealousy eating me. Seeing her holding her hand and not my hand.

What was I being jealous for? I just started following them again yesterday and I am jealous by seeing him holding her hand.

They got a table next to us and we were gonna die. I saw Damiano looking at me quite a few times and I got butterflies in my stomach. I looked at him and he was looking back, but quickly looked away.

I eavesdropped to their conversation and I heard Damiano excusing himself to go to the bathroom. As he stood up, he gave me a gaze and went to the bathroom.


I got a notification on my phone saying:

'Maneskinofficial recently added to their story'

I clicked on it....

And heard the announcment with Sammy...


Heyy luvs!! I hope you enjoyed this one! Sorry it is quite long and aorry for any typos currently, I don't have time to check for mistakes, I will check when I have some more time. Love y'all and don't forget to vote😋🤍

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