Caught In Action

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On our way to Dami's place, we had a good time. We were talking, laughing and singing. He's great company and you can never get bored of his character and personality. He is funny, loving and kind. An hour later, we arrived in the town centre and I was craving some coffee, so was Damiano.

I parked in front of the Café and we went in together. I was quite nervous after yesterday's night with us getting caught holding hands, it is like we did something wrong that other's shouldn't have seen. Luckily, there wasn't a lot of people even though we got a few stares. It was our turn and we were greeted by a young boy around age 16. He had dark black hair and had a bubbly personality from his sweet smile. His name is Luca, from his name tag on his uniform.

(L stands for Luca.)

L: "Hello you two. What would you two like today?" He asked.

D: "Hello sir. I would like to have a Vanilla Frap please. What about you Y/N?"

"May I get the iced cappucino please?"

L: "Of course. That will be in the making right away."

Luca turned and started both drinks. Me and Damiano kept on talking untill our conversation was interupted by Luca asking Damiano a question.

L: "Excuse me, sorry to interupt but you're Damiano David? Right?"

D: "Yes, it is." Giving a small chuckle.

L: "Omg it is you! And you must be his girlfriend right?"

"Oh, no no, I am just a friend. This guy has someone already. The one and only Giorgia Soleri!"

Deep down, I wish I was his....

D: "Yep, she is right!" Giving a sweet smile knowing I said his love's name.

L: "Oh, I apologise for saying that you guys are together. Giorgia Soleri came in earlier today at around 2PM. She was with someone."

D: "She was? With who if you don't mind me asking?"

L: "I don't have an answer to your question because I didn't see the person, he waited for her in a red car outside the Café. That's how I got the glimpse of a 'he'. Here are your 2 coffees. Arrivederci!"

"Ciao." We said together getting both of our coffees and making our way to the car but this time, Damiano took the driver's seat since now, we were on our way to his apartment.

"What did he have to mean with 'he'?"

I looked and it was Damiano switching on the car.

"I don't know. Maybe she has a guy bestfriend and met up with him?" Trying to calm down the situation.

"She would have told me though? Right?" Slightly confused.

"Maybe she didn't tell you because she didn't want to interupt you while we were working. Could it have been her brother?"

(Idk if Giorgia has a brother so let's imagine she has a brother :))

"Maybe, I mean he has a red car and they might have went to see Ms. Soleri together." Calming down. He sighed in relief and we were off to his apartment.


15 minutes later, we arrived at his apartment. We came to get some strings for the guitar. We made our way together at the front door of the block of appartments are. Damiano's was on the 4th floor. Before we went in, I saw a red car just a few feet away the front door. I sighed and had a bad feeling about this one. We took the lift/elevator and went to the 4th floor.

"So were are the strings?" I asked

"They are somewhere in my room, near my desk area. We should be able to find some."

I nodded and the doors opened. Damiano lead the way to their appartment. He got the keys out and opened the door. The light lamp was on and Damiano waited for me to get in and close the door so I could follow him to his bedroom.

We walked down the corridor. Damiano wanted to find the strings as soon as possible but I wasn't feeling well. I wasn't sick, I had a bad feeling that's all....

Damiano opened the bedroom door and dropped his phone in disbelief to the floor and placed his hand over his face. I looked since I was behind him and blocking my view. I gasped and it made the 2 of them look....

It was Giorgia in bed with another who was not Damiano...

she was cheating on him....

The man next to her looked very similar... very muscular, dark curly hair and dark green envy eyes... it couldn't be that guy, it couldn't be...

Fabrizio... the waiter from the restaurant....

Giorigia looked at the door and gasped. She went defensive very quickly...

G: "Dami baby, it's not what it looks like..."

D: "DON'T CALL ME THAT! SO YOUR MOTHER WASN'T ACTUALLY SICK ISN'T SHE! YOU ONLY SAID THAT TO MEET WITH HIM!" He raised his voice and tears were going down his cheecks. Giorgia had no emotion at all...


D:"I WANTED TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU! I WANTED TO! BUT THEN EUROVISION CAME AND WE ALL HAD THIS HUGE SUCSESS!" He was crying I felt so bad but I couldn't do anything to help.. I only rubbed his back gently to comfort him. Damiano quickly felt my hand and remembered I was there seeing it all...

G: "And She, what is she doing here?" Looking at me with her stubborn tone thinking that me and Dami were in the wrong when in real life, it was her and Fabrizio....


He couldn't take it anymore..

he couldn't... he just saw his fiancée cheating on him with a guy who flirted with me just last night... he ran out of the appartment and ran down the stairs.

I ran after him and called Victoria to tell her what happened. Damiano was running as fast as he could, he was much ahead than me. Thankfully, Vic quickly picked up the phone...

Victoria P.O.V

I was chilling in the living room watching FRIENDS with Ethan and Thomas. We couldn't go to the pool because it was raining. It was 5.58PM and I got a phonecall from Y/N. I quickly picked up and put it on speaker.

"Hey Y/N, what is up?"

"Vic, Vic, Vic, view my location right now and follow it!" She said with her breathe breaking. It seemed like she was running. Something hapoened...

"Why, what happened?" I said and Thomas and Ethan looked at me concerned and heard the conversation.

"It's Damiano. We went to his place and when we entered his room, there was Giorgia and Fabrizio together in bed, just laying there! And now Dami is running somewhere and I'm running after him in the rain! All of you gett here right now just follow my location and get here as quick as possible!"

"Let's go right now!" Said Ethan standing up from his seat running to the front door and Thomas following him.

"We are coming right now!" I hung up and followed the boys. We got in the car and followed Y/N's location.

Heyyyy!!! I hope you like this chapter! For some reason, I love this chapter. In this story, Giorgia is going to be the bad person but in real life, I love her so much and find her and Dami so cute! Sorry for any typos x
Byeee <3

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