Telling Mum...

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After signing up for the audition, me and Sammy had some fun. We talked about måneskin, boys and music. At 9.10PM, Sammy drove me home and we sang Coraline, La Paura Del Buio and I wanna be your slave back home. All day, we were playing their songs and singing to them. Their music really improved. We also decided to search them up on youtube, tiktok and google. I couldn't believe my eyes when they were on Sanremo too with their killer song Zitti e Buoni.

At 9.30PM, I arrived home and was greeted by a hug from my mum. Seems like she didn't sleep and waited for me to get home.

"Hello Bella"

"Ciao Mama"

"How was your day with Sammy?"

"It was amazing but while and after the café, I wanted to throw her to mars!"

"Why is that sweetie?"

"Okay but don't yell at me, Sammy made me do this..."

"Y/NN what's going on? You are scaring me!"

"While we were at the café, Måneskin ended up coming and Damiano went to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he came out and I got a notification on my phone saying that they posted a story on instagram..."

"Sweetie! That's great! You met them! Did you ask them for a picture, or a hug?"

"Ma, no. I'm not even at the best part! I saw the story and it was Damiano talking. The story was basically about hosting an audition to find another singer and the stars weren't under my favour! He came and spoke to us!!"

"Damiano?! The hottie you had a crush on?"

"Yeah ma but wait, he realised I saw the story and asked if I'm applying and I was gonna say no but Sam butted in and told him that I'm gonna play the guitar!"

"And you dumbass! You were going to say no! I'm glad that Sammy spoke in! And, what song are you gonna sing?"

Sammy and mum have a mother and duaghter bond. Some people even ask them if they are family, she is family to us but Sammy looks more like my mum even though she isn't related. I got my dad's llooks , his black hair and his green eyes.. while Sammy and my mum were both blonde and have blue eyes. I got to admit, sometimes it hurt going out with Sammy and my mum and a random stranger asking them if they are mother and daughter because they look more like siblings....

"Oh well, Sammy told me to do 'Preso dalle tue braccia(caught by your arms)' the song I wrote for... dad....."

Telling her my song choice, I got a bit emotional. Only mum and Sammy heard the song not even my own nonna and nonno. I looked at my mum and her eyes were full of tears. She pulled me in a hug.

"Amore, sono così orgoglioso di te. Ci sono alcune persone che hanno vissuto la stessa esperienza e puoi condividerla e lo farai. Benedirai molti cuori con questa canzone...

(Love, I'm so proud of you. There are some people who went through the same experience and you can share it and you will do it. You are gonna bless a lot of hearts with this song...)

"Grazie mamma. Non sai quanto questo significhi per me. Spero di renderti orgoglioso, ottenendo il posto o meno, sarò sempre orgoglioso della mia performance"

(Thank you mum. You don't know how much this means to me. I hope I make you proud, getting the place or not, I am always going to be proud of my performance)

"Sono sempre orgoglioso di te bella. ti amo'
(I am always proud of you beautiful. I love you)

"Ti amo anch'io mamma."
(I love you too mum)

We both said those loving words embracing eachother in a hug and shedding some tears. I wanted to make her proud, Sammy and myself. Deep down, I wanted to make dad proud even though he was his bad self. I hadn't seen or spoke to him in 7 years...

That night, I went on their account and the link was gone, it wasn't there anymore. I guess they didn't want millions to audition since it would be been chaos. For once, I actually feel like I did the right thing for listenning to Sammy's advice. If I didn't, I might actually regret not filling in the form.

The next 2 weeks, I practiced the song Preso dalle tue braccia. I changed some lyrics since now I am more mature and was determined to give it my all for mum. She had to suffer the most.

-Taking up with dad's bad habit
-Fighting with him to protect me
-Finding ways for us to leave and live a better life away from the monster..


Heyy luvs! I hope you are all doing well. I hope you enjoyed this chapter  and sorry for any typos🤎✌

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