Sweet Creature

449 13 2

By the time Ethan, Victoria and Thomas came back in the car with the 5 cups of coffees, I was taking a light rest on Damiano's shoulder for around 5 minutes. He didn't seem to mind that I was resting on his shoulder. He was combing my hair in a comforting way while Sweet Creature was playing in the background and he is singing to it. 

Sweet creature
Had another talk about where it's going wrong
But we're still young
We don't know where we're going
But we know where we belong

And oh we started
Two hearts in one home
It's hard when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know, but oh

Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home

His voice was so sweet and fragile. He wasn't going all out with his husky voice but with his sweet voice that not a lot of people heard. All of a sudden, Victoria, Ethan and Thomas opened the car door to have a seat at the back. 

V: "We are back. Y/N are you okay you look a little down?" 

"I am okay Vic. Anyways, can I have my coffee please?" 

V: "Sure, here you go." 

Victoria handed me my Vanilla Frap while I gave Damiano his black coffee. He thanked me and gave me a soft smile. Victoria got an iced chocolate Frappe, Thomas got a cappucino and Ethan got a black coffee. 

E: "Okay guys, to the home studio we go!" 

"You guys need to give me directions!" 

D: "I can drive if you want. You come here and I'll take the dri-" 

His words were cut off by the phone ringing. He looked at the contact name. 

D: "It's Giorgia. Give me one second." 

Damiano went out of the car and answered the phone. I looked at the 3 in the back and they were all sipping on their coffee. 

"Vic, if you don't mind me asking, who is Giorgia..?"

V: "Giorgia is his fiancée ." 

"Oh okay." 

I looked back at the window and sipping my coffee where Dami was standing. Well, that concludes my suspicion from the first day I saw them at the Cafe holding her hand,. Giorgia is his fiancée. 

Damiano P.O.V

"Ehi bambino. Come è andata l'audizione?" 

("Hey Baby. How did the audition go?")

"Ciao bella. È andata molto bene. Abbiamo tutti scelto quello giusto. Il suo nome è Y/N. È una ragazza forte e ci ha lasciato tutti a bocca aperta."

("Hello beautiful. It went very well. We all chose the right one. Her name is Y/N. She is a strong girl and left us all mind-blown.")

"Questo è un grande amore. È meglio che vada. Devo vedere la mamma e non sta bene. Ciao bello."

("That's great love. I better get going. I have to see mum and she isn't doing well. Bye Beautiful.")

"Va bene Giorgia. Manda a tua madre tanto amore da parte mia, ok?"

("Okay Giorgia. Send your mother lots of love from me okay?")

"Sì, lo farò. Ciao." 

"Ciao. Ti amo"

I cut the call and Giorgia had to visit her mother again. I didn't have the time to go and see her due to music and all of this success after eurovision. Her mother was ill and I felt really bad for her. Giorgia and Eva, her mother were quite close. I sighed hoping for the best and went to the driver's seat while Y/N got out and went to the passenger seat. We were going to the home studio in the country side and it was going to take us an hour most. During that hour, Victoria slept on Thomas' shoulder, Ethan was slowly drifting in a sleep while looking out of the window, Thomas was with his headphones listening to some songs and Y/N was on her phone texting Sammy.  By the time we arrived, it was 2.46PM. 

V: "Dami, can I go sleep please. I'm tired. The coffee didn't give me much energy." 

E: "Yeah Damiano, I am going to sleep, I won't be able to play the drums." 

"Yeah guys you can go. I don't feel that tired. I'll be outside in the garden. Y/N what are you gonna do?"

Y/N: "I'm not that tired. I'll just use my phone in the living room." 

T: "I'm going to my room. Buonanotte." 

Y/N P.O.V 

Victoria, Ethan and Thomas went upstairs and went into their rooms while I stayed downstairs on the couch with Damiano who was making himself a cup of coffee. As I sat down on the couch I, felt my eyes getting heavier. I layed down and closed my eyes and found myself in a deep sleep which was much needed.... 


Hey luvs! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry that it is short. Bye <3 x

i left and you came back...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant