Comfort Never Hurts.

428 15 11

10.34AM, The Next Day,

I woke up after a good-night sleep. I got up since I slept on the mat on the floor and saw Damiano comfortable on my bed. He looked so calm in his sleep, he really needed it after yesterday. Turned out, I was the only one awake. I went down to the kitchen and decided to make some pancakes for breakfast. By the time I started flipping them, the 4 of them woke up and were waiting patiently for them, or shouldb I say, 3 of them waited patiently.

T: "Y/N are they done? They smell so good!" Thomas said like a baby who is begging his mother for a toy.

D: "Thomas, give her time. She is like your slave, commanding her."

"Here they are you 4! So what do you think?"

I handed the plate full of pancakes for them on the table to take. While they started filling their plates up, I handed them the toppings, blueberries, strawberries, syrup and whip cream.

E: "Wow, Y/N. These are good!"

V: "Yes, they really are! Well done!"

"Thank you, Buon Apetit! Thomas-" I looked to him and his mouth were full of pancakes.

T: "They're good!" He said with his mouth full of pancakes.

D: "Y/NN, he's always like this in the morning so don't even bother him." He said chuckling.

I chuckled. Thomas gave us a death stare with his mouth still full of pancakes. Ethan and Vic were giggling in their seats. We were all having a good time untill Damiano looked upset.

"Dami, what's wrong?"

D: "No, no it's okay. Nothing, I'm fine."

V: "What's wrong Dami?" Looking worried. Ethan and Thomas looked at Damiano worriedly and waited for a response. In a matter of seconds, Damiano stood up and slammed the table.

D: "I said I AM FINE!" He stormed out of the room and went upstairs to my bedroom.

I looked at Vic worried. She gave me a glance and nodded with her head for me to go after him. I ran after him into my bedroom. It happened so quickly. We were all laughing, smiling, chatting and then, a thunderstorm came on a beautiful sunny day and ruined the mood. I entered my room and saw Damiano laying down on my bed with his hands over his face. He was crying. I could hear the sniffles and the tears leaving his eyes.. 

"Damiano, can I come in?"

He looked up and realised it was me and quickly sat up. He didn't say a word, but a slight nod. I went in and closed the door behind me. I sat next to him on my bed as he placed his head on my shoulder while I rubbed his back.

"It hurts Y/N..."

"I know it does bello, I know the feeling. I am sorry that I couldn't do anything about it."

I knew this feeling because of dad. He hurted me and mum. I never want to feel that pain again...

"The funny thing is that she cheated on me with a guy who is cheating on her."

He looked up at me and cracked the joke and I laughed it off. He was adorable. He looked at me with those brown eyes of his that wouldn't fail to make you fall in love with him and the smile of his that never failed to say positive things.

"She'll eventually find out."

He laughed.

"You know Y/N, it's funny to me that I'm a 22 year old man and you are a 17 young girl and you are caring for me as if I was you son.."

"Comfort never hurts..."  I looked at him and immediately sat up to speak to me.

"But, I have a problem now... that's why I acted up earlier..."

"Tell me so we can help.."

"Most of my things are back in the apartment. Clothes, music sheets, pictures and things that cost a lot of value to me. I don't have the strength to go in there again."

"Dami give me a second please."

I opened the door that led to my room and went quickly downstairs. I saw Victoria washing the dishes and Ethan and Thomas talking. I went to Victoria.

"Vic, leave the dishes here and come upstairs with me please."

"Okay, let's go."

I waited for Victoria and we both went back upstairs to the bedroom.

"I'm back Dami."

D: "Nice to see you again. Hello Victoria."

V: "Is everything okay now?"

D/Y/N: "Yes!"

"The reason I got you here though Vic is that back at the apartment, Damiano still has most of his belongings and I thought that you might help?"

V: "Of course I am going to help!"

D: "Guys, you don't have to-"

"Save it Damiano. I am not going to let you back in there. Me and Vic can go and you can wait for us downstairs with Ethan and Thomas just in case anything happens."

V: "Dami, she's right, and I agree with her. I am not letting you go there."

"When does Giorgia have work? We can go in at that time and we won't have to see her."

D: "She is working today at 11AM till 6PM."

V: "It is already 11.15AM Y/N."

"Let's go, now. The quicker we get his items back, the less we need to contact her."

I went downstairs and told Ethan and Thomas about what we're going to do. They agreed and were already downstairs. Victoria took some of my clothes for her to change and I didnt mind.  I wore jeans and a white shirt.

At 11

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At 11.45AM, we were on our way to the apartment. Damiano gave us the directions and I could hear his voice breaking. When we arrived, me and Vic stepped out of the car to enter the block of appartments.

"You guys stay here, if anything happens, we will scream okay?" The 3 young men nodded.

Me and Victoria went to the 4th floor and opened the door. Luckily, no one was there. We first started with the bathroom which we didn't have much to take. Just some makeup, jewellery and his items for his skin care routine. Victoria then got a text.

'Most of my items are in the bedroom x'
*seen* 12.13PM.

'So far, we got you makeup and
the items you use for you skin care routine.
Wr are going to the bedroom now x.'
*delivered* 12.14PM

We made our way to the bedroom where we caught them the day before.

"Y/N, start with his desk area. I'll get his clothes."

"Okay Vic. Get his things as soon a possible."

Me and Victoria were on the opposite sides of the room. I opened the first drawer and there wasn't anything that belonged to him. In the second drawer, there was a......

Cliffhanger!!! I hope you enjoyrd this chapter!! Love youu<3

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