At the Airport

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It was Wednesday, 30th June. Presso dalle tua braccia went live 12 minutes ago. We were all happy that the hard work payed off and I was very happy with myself....

I always found it hard to think about my past, what my father did for those 3 months. Even though 3 months didn't sound much, it felt like 3 decades. Everyday I got home.anxious awaiting my roaring father and a given-up mother. My mother listenning to my father's demands whether she liked it or not. The onky money we had left, dad would buy alcohol making himself worse and worse. Everyday after school, he would beat me up, make me feel worthless, shitty, horrible and making me feel unloved.. this isn't the father that raised me for 10 years and loved me and loved listenning to my music...

Even though it was a day full of celebration, we still had a lot of stress. We all got carried away that we had a flight and we were off to Berlin for our first gig. Our flight was scheduled at 8PM and currenrly, it was 6.14PM. We all raced to our rooms packing all of our clothes and essentials that we need like makeup, notepad and a lot more items. In 15 minutes, we were all ready and at exact timing, Lukas came to the house..

L: "Ciao Ragazzi! Wow, I am surprised that you guys are all ready. I thought all of you forgot about the flight!" He said chuckling. You could see it written on all of our faces that what was coming out of his mouth was a myth.

D: "Ciao Lukas! We wouldn't miss it for the world!" In a sarcastic tone.

L:"Great to hear Damiano. Let's get all of your instruments and I've also packed a bag with extra music items like strings, picks, capos, microphones and you'll get the rest.

We all got in the taxi that Lukas called for us and made our way to the airport. I haven't been to the airport since I was 10 years old back in London...

3rd Febuary 2014.
Tw⚠️: Abuse

Midnight struck a few minutes ago. All of my friends were asleep in their cosy warm beds while their guardians were either on the sofa snuggling together near the fireplace or either asleep.

Happy Families...
I wish I could say the same...

Mum and I got out of the taxi. We thanked the driver and went in the airport. Mum and dad had a huge fight, I couldn't take it anymore, I called the police which I hoped to never do. Call the police to get my own father, take the monster away that made me believe his horrible words. That I was nothing but a failure, a bitch, an ugly child  that doesn't deserve love..

My thoughts were cut off with my mother carrying me in her arms. My eyes kept getting heavier and heavier  for each step ny mother took, untill I slept on her shoulder.


I found myself waking up in the plane that was taking us to nonna and nonno in Rome for a couple of months. I looked over my right shoulder to find my mother reading a book in Italian and I couldn't understand much. Even though I have written songs in Italian, it was always my mum who helped translating them. I  sighed seeing my mum so melancholy amd I looked over my left shoulder to see the window outside. We had just taken off from London. I could see the rain hitting the small window sending shivers down my spine. As soon as lightning struck, I screeched. Lighting is my biggest fear. Each struck reminds me of  dad... everytime the storm gets angry, my father gets angry by throwing a bottle of alcohol to the wall, inches away from my face..
Lightning is bright, it was the negative light to the storm, it resembled the home we all lived in for 10 years but the storm found at home, never had any light, it was always darkness, shadows and gloomy. I could hear my mum's sobs everytime I pass the kitchen after a huge feud between her and him. Her sob's were mixed emotions; sad, anger and guilt... I could see it all in her eyes....

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