Recording Studio

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We all woke up at 7 to get everything set. Drums, guitar, bass and extra strings just in case one. We put everything in the car and Damiano drove to the recording studio. It wasn't a long drive, just 40 minutes since there was no traffic. Vic and Thomas were dosing off in the backseat. I tried to stay up but for every blink, I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier and I couldn't dose off because we have to record and I don't want to make a bad impression with my friends and the whole team that I've never met before. At 7.43, we arrived at the studio and got all instruments out of the car. We made our way to the studio and it was quite confusing. We had to walk a gloomy, narrow corridor, go up some stairs and take the first door on the left. We went in the door and there were 3 other people in the room. I recognized Lukas and he was talking to a rather tall man with black curls who I assumed was the guy helping us record and a young woman with brown straight hair.

L: "You're here! Finally. How are you sleepy heads?"He said looking at Victoria and Thomas who looked very tired.

E: "Buongiorno Lukas. I'm doing pretty well thank you."

L: "Great to hear Ethan. Oh, Y/N how are you for your first recording session with all of us and may I introduce you to some members of our team. This is Andrea, she will be helping the band with the instruments and that is Giuseppe, he will be helping with the recording."

"I'm doing well thanks. Pleasure to meet you Andrea and Giuseppe." I said as I placed my hand out for a handshake with the two.

A/G: "Pleasure to meet you too Y/N." They said and shaked my hand. They were both so sweet.

D: "Should we get started? It is already a few minutes away from 8?"

L: "Yes, let's start. Victoria, get in there/"

V: "Why am I first ?" She said whining.

L: "You know bass first. Get in, we have no time to waste." He said a bit angry. Andrea got her base and started adding the wires while Giuseppe was setting the sound. "Ready Vic?" He asked near the sound production.

She nodded from the other room that we saw her through the glass and did her parts and it took a couple takes. After Vic was done, Thomas went in and Andrea helped him with his guitar for the recording. He took a lot longer than Victoria because 2 strings snapped. He trusted in me to add the 2 strings again and I quikly did them. Damiano offered to help but I ignored him and gave him a soft smile instead, and he smiled back. Thomas got back in the room to record once more and took a few more takes and got out of the room for Ethan to go in. Once again, the kind-hearted Andrea helped Ethan with the drums. Around 4 takes later, Ethan finished which was surprising since he has the most work out of all of us. While the 3 were recording, Damiano and I decided to post the first teaser for the upcoming music video.
It wasn't that special but it's what we had back at the home studio. It was a video of Damiano and I holding sheets of lyrics and trying to figure out what we had to do. We both found it cute. Giuseppe quickly got all the recordings and together, we picked the best one from each instrument and Giuseppe started the work.

Around 20 minutes later, Giuseppe made a wonderful masterpiece with the recordings and we all loved it. During those 20 minutes, fanpages and some radio stations were going crazy with the video Damiano posted on instagram. Fans were making edits about it and were really sweet. One that caught my attention was a Victoria fan page that made an edit with the song "Heather". I couldn't resist but smile to the edit with Damiano watching me as a grin showed up on my face.

"The video went crazy didn't it?" He asked showing up from behind me and wrapping his arms around my neck for a hug. His arms and hands on me made me feel secure. It's like I had walls protecring me that can never break from nor enemy or disaster that mother nature has to offer. He is my protection

"No, it didn't!" I said sarcastically.

"That's a cute edit." He said looking at my phone seeing the edit. "For some reason, this reminds me of the day we met for the first time at the Café." He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. I could feel his gaze on me and a small grin once chills went down my spine.

"Yes, it does. When Sammy made me fill in that application but now, I really thank her for it. If it wasn't for her, I don't think I've met all of you gusy and getting this close. All of you are like a family to me, one that I never had. I never experienced my childhood when you are suppose to do great things instead of seeing your own kind, loving father turn into a monster.." I said. He didn't say anything. He looked at me and grabbed my face gently and kissed my forehead

"Y/N, this is the feeling I want you to have. A feeling of warmth, home, family.." He said pausing for a couple of seconds. "Emotions aside, let's finish this song bella." He winked and I fekt my face turn red.

"Sì bello, let's finish this song." I said and we both stood up and made our way to start recording. After a couple of takes, we got the best ones and added them to the audio and let me tell you, it was beautiful. I started off with the first stanza and the first chorus, Damiano did the second stanza and the chorus and to finish it off, we closed the song by doing the last 2 different chorus' together. After 30 minutes, Giuseppe finished and we all heard the masterpiece and we were all speechless, it was so good! Lukas, Giuseppe and Andrea appluaded us while the rest of us were either with our hands over our mouths and hugging eachother or crying.

L: "Gosh, that was beautiful! Look at the time! It's 3.30, time flew. Congratulations all of you! Keep teasing the Måneskin fans untill the audio will be released this Tuesday! You can leave all the instruments here, I'll visit you guys later today and give them to all of you." He said. We all nodded and said our goodbyes. We all went in the car with Damiano driving while we all slept.

•time skip ~ 3 days later•

Heyy guys!! Hope you enjoy this one and I can't wait for the upcoming chapters x Bye🤎

i left and you came back...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant