In the Appartment

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Before I start this chap, I just wanna say how much I loved the comment in section in the last chapter! All of your ideas on what can be in the drawer were so funny, but amazing!! Let's start this chapter!

..a note book. The cover was sage green and had the Initial 'D' in cursive. I asumed that it was Damiano's diary, something not to be touched by others.

"Hey Y/NN, are you okay there?"

"Yeah Vic, I am okay. I think I found Damiano's diary." I giggled.

"Ohhh, let's see what is inside then!" Victoria took the diary out of my hand and layed down on his ex's bed.

"Vic, you aren't suppose to read that! What if Damiano finds out. That is his way of privacy."

"You continue there. You have a lot more to go. I finished all his clothes. I am going to read this."

"Don't blame me if he finds out." She scoffed and went to page where the bookmark led.

While she was reading, I kept getting his items and putting them in the bags.

24 Maggio 2021..

'Caro diario,

Sono tornato a Roma ieri sera dopo mesi di duro lavoro e dedizione con la mia seconda famiglia. Abbiamo vinto il concorso ed è incredibile sapere che le nostre carriere saranno enormi!
Oggi sono andato al Cafè con la band e ci siamo divertiti. Abbiamo ricevuto un paio di sguardi, ma uno che ha attirato la mia attenzione è stata la ragazza seduta accanto al nostro tavolo con la sua amica. Ha i capelli neri scuri e gli occhi verde nocciola. È rimasta scioccata nel vederci. Sembrava così dolce e diversa, qualcuno con un cuore d'oro e bellissimo...
Spero di incontrarla all'audirion nelle prossime 2 settimane...


('Dear Diary,

I came back to Rome yesterday night after months of hard work and dedication with my second family. We won the contest and it is amazing to know that our careers are going to be huge!
Today, I went to the Cafè with the band and we had a good time. We got a couple of stares but one that caught my attention was the girl sitting next to our table with her friend. She has dark black hair and hazel green eyes. She was shocked to see us. She looked so sweet and different, someone with a heart of gold and beautiful...
I hope to meet her in the audirion in the upcoming 2 weeks...


Wait. A. Minute. Damiano wrote about me?!

"I knew it!"

"You knew what?!"

"He always had something for you! Something different. By the way he looked at you at the Café and the Audition and all other events! It isn't the same way he looks at Giorgia or any other girl!"

Victoria P.O.V.

"Damiano, so far the few yhat we heard aren't so good!"

D: "I know Vic, let's wait a little longer."

I was getting frustrated. It was the 7th of June, Audition day. We are lookinh for a new singer and so far no one impressed us. We were in a different room to hear the auditions. We didn't want them to get nervous and preform to us.

T: "This was your idea Damiano, what happens if these aren't good. Only 134 got my attention but I don't think she'd fit in."

E: "If we don't like anyone, we just say we did a phonecall and-"

D: "There! She came! The girl from the Café." His face lit when he saw her on the screen that we were seeing the auditions from.

"It's her..."

We all heard her and we were all moved by the number. She was outstanding. We have our new member hands down. I was sobbing, so was Damiano. Ethan just closed his eyes and heard the piece and Thomas was silent hearing Y/N sing.

D: "She is the one...."

Y.N P.O.V.

"Did you read thay from the page or-"

"Y/N, it is right here." She showed me with her smile from one ear to another. I was going through the 3rd drawer to make sure I took everything and when I saw the bottom of the drawer, I gasped..

It was a photo of me and Damiano, the day I found him in the parking area....

(Imagine without the umbrella :))

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(Imagine without the umbrella :))

"What. The. Hell. Vic look at this!"

Victoria dropped the diary out of her hands and saw the photo that I was holding. She was shocked as much as me.

"Who took the photo?!"

"I don't know."

I flipped the picture around and it was a username.

"Vic, search this user up right now! Please!"

Victoria got her phone out and searched up the user. It was an account that had that 1 photo and itbwas getting likes and comments by yhe second.

"Since the world knows who you are, you have to be honest. You don't have ro say what happened that day. Just say a comforting hug."

"You're right. Can you help me with the last few if things?"


34 minutes kater, we got all of Damiano's things. Victoria gave a quick message to Damiano.

'Hey Dami! We got your stuff. We
are coming down right now so prepare x'
*seen* 12.46PM

'Okay x. Before you leave, can you
leave a note to Giorgia, saying that I
came and took my stuff?'
*seen* 12.48PM

'I will x'
*seen* 12.51PM.

"Hey Y/NN, can you wtite a note to Giorgia saying that Damiano came and took his items while I take the bags down?"

"Yep sure."

On Damiano's old desk, I found a pack of sticky notes and a pen. I took one and opened the tip of the pen and wrote down:

'Sono venuto e ho preso le mie cose. Buona fortuna nella vita

I closed the pen and put it back in its place. I gave one last glance just to make sure I took his items and wenr to the Living room where all the bags are to be taken downstairs. Luckily, there was only 2 left. I gave 1 last glance at the apartment and closed the door taking both bags down and putting them in the boot.

"Who wants to get ice-cream?"

D/V/E/T: "Me!" I laughed and we were on our way to the 'Gelateria' in the town cente. I decided not to tell Damiano yet about the
picture and thought of telling him when we get a free moment....

Heyy babes! I hope you guys like this chapter! Thank you for all the love and aupport! Bye<3

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