"For your best"

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⚠️: Hateful words, therapy, Eating disorder, court(guys i've never been in court so Im gonna try to make it realistic as possible).

August 4 2021

Maria P.O.V.

It was noon. Ever since I found out my daughter was attacked by him, I wasn't doing so well. I was sick to my stomach and had no energy to do anything. Sammy comes over to do some chores and always makes the best cup of tea. She visits Y/N too but she is doing the same as I am. I grabbed the phone and called Doctor Romano as I can't let him get to us again

"Salve Dott. Romano spero stia bene. Mia figlia è stata aggredita in Francia dal padre violento che ho lasciato 7 anni fa. Vorrei aprire un caso ma non so esattamente cosa fare. Potete aiutare per favore?"

(Hello Dr. Romano I hope you're doing well. My daughter was attacked in France by her abusive father who I have left 7 years ago. I would like to open a case but I don't know exactly what to do. Can you help please?)

"Ciao Maria. Sto bene, spero che anche tu stia bene. La prima cosa che farei è contattare la polizia, ma non devi preoccuparti di questo perché agirò in tal senso. Inizierò su questo dopo aver riattaccato da te. Una volta che la polizia di Parigi mi contatterà, ti chiamerò così prenoterai i biglietti."

("Hello Maria. I am doing well, I hope you are doing well too. The first thing I would do is contact the police but you don't have to worry about that as I will take action in doing that. I will get started on that after I hang up from you. Once the police in Paris will contact me, I will call you so you'll book tickets.")

"Grazie molte. Questo significa che dobbiamo andare in Francia se succede una traccia?"

("Thank you so much. Does that mean that we have to go to France if a trail happens?")

"Sì. Se fossi in te, prenderei tua figlia, eventuali testimoni e penso che saresti a posto. Ti contatterò più tardi. Riposati un po' ok?"

("Yes. If I were you, I would take your daughter, any witnesses and I think you'd be good to go. I'll contact you later. Get some rest okay?")

"Sì, sì grazie mille"


I got off from the phone and went to the bedroom. I laid down and took a nap.


I was on my bed looking at the ceiling when someone was knocking on my bedroom door.

"Who is it?" I asked with no energy

V: "Y/N can I come in? You've been in there all day and it's what you have been doing for the past week now."

It was Victoria. Ever since the video went viral, I've been getting hateful comments and messages ever since. The incident made me vulnerable. I can't do anything other than stay in bed. I cry all the time and have nightmares and scenarios that he is going to get me.

"Vic go away! I don't feel like talking to anyone I just want to be alone."

V: "Y/N please! You don't even come rehearse with us like we used to do together. You don't even come down when we are watching a film or come down to dinner. I know this is hard on you and it's even more harder for us to see you like this. Are you at least eating the food we give you?"

"Vic I am eating now please leave me alone!" I lied. I haven't eaten since.

V: "Okay if you need anything or need a shoulder to cry on let me know. Ti amo." She said and left the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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