The Instagram story

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Me and Sammy heard the announcment together. It was a recent video of Damiano in the mens bathroom at the café.

Ciao a tutti! Il 7 giugno ci saranno le audizioni per la ricerca di un cantante di talento e quella persona farà parte dei Måneskin. Per maggiori informazioni, controlla la biografia..

Translation: Hey Everyone! On the 7th of June, there are going to be auditions for the search of a talented singer and that person will be a part of Måneskin. For more information, check the bio.

(I used google translate because I am horrible at Italian so sorry for any mistakes😋)

"Y/N go on their bio right now"

"No I am not. As if I'll get chosen"

"You're such a pussy! Do it! You can play your guitar and one of your original songs!! Your life can change by this announcment just press on the link in their bi-"

She didn't even finish her sentence because someone came and cut her off. 

"I'm sorry to disturb you girls, but is everything alright?"

I didn't see who it was but from Sam's face, it was someone who I would be surprised about. He was a man with a husky voice. I looked back and saw him Damiano David. 

I didn't know how to react. He was the guy I loved for 2 years staright and started loving him again yesterday. We both just stared in shock. He had a huge grin on his face and realised that we were shocked to see him. He looked at my phone and realized that I was on Måneskin's instagram account.

"Oh, you saw the story. So, are you gonna sign up?"

How was I suppose to reply? I couldn't even speak. The hottest guy in the world was talking to me.

"Oh um I don't thin-"

"Yeah, she will!"

Wow! So now Sammy had the guts to talk!

"My dumbo, Y/N is going to audition. She is really talented. She writes songs and plays the guitar".

She really had to tell him all of that. I was already an anxious person. I can't just go on stage, be the center of attenrion for 3 minutes staright. I never preformed on stage before and she really had to put me on the spot like that.

"Wow Y/N. Your friend here really seems to be proud of you. It was fun talking to both of you but I have to get going with the rest. Y/N, I will see you in 2 weeks. Arrivederci".


He winked at me and went back with the rest. That  'Arrivederci' gave me butterflies in my stomach. I had a conversation with Damiano David, the hottest Italian man.

"So, you have to go at the audition now"

I gave Sammy a deathstare. I'll admit, I want to try but I get to nervous before I go on stage and might screw up something.

"Y/NN, don't think about that negative crap. I know you can do it"

"Thanks Sam. I would love to do it but think about it, I am seventeen years old. The rest are all in their twenties. If i get chosen, which is a 0.001% chance, the band might get a lot of hate because they have an underage girl. I don't want that phase to happen...."

"Your birthday is in 7 months! On December 24th! I don't think they would take much notice of the age"

"Sammy, we live in a world of hate. The world will critisize if you do something so small. As long as they hurt you, they are happy"

"You know what, let's forget about the party for my birthday. We have to prepare you for your audition"

"Are you sure? Sam let's focus on the part-"

"No, this is more important than fun and games. This is serious. Let's get in the car and on the way home, we will talk about the audition, we are gonna prepare together if that is okay with you"

"Okay but are you su-"

"Y/N I am 1 Million percent sure"

She seemed very determined for me to this. It's hard to tell Sammy no in certian situations. I payed for both of our coffees. I gave a glance to Damiano and he put his hand up as a 'goodbye' gesture.

We got in the car and drove to Sammy's house. After a 20 minute drive, we arrived to her house and went staright to her bedroom to talk about the upcoming event...


Hey luvss!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is just the beginning of the story. I can't wait for the next chapter! Love yourself even though it can be hard, YOU ARE GORGEOUS!! 🥰💘
Sorry for any typos. I will check the chapter later and check for any typos.
Don't forget to vote! It means so much!! Love you!!

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