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• Saturday : 6.00PM •

We were all gathered in the Living room watching Stranger Things. We were all huddled up together on the grey couch that had some scratches from Chili, Vic's dog. She comes here sometimes with her sister Veronica who takes care of Chili while we are all working.
We were all enjoying the series untill Damiano got a phonecall.

"I'll be right back." He said and left the room to answer the phone which was quite strange. Vic and I gave a look to eachother and kept watching the episode. A few minutes later, Damiano came back with a soft smile on his face that never failed to give me butterflies inside my whole body.

D: "Lukas called me and he would like to talk about something important. He asked us if we can go for Dinner to discuss. Are you all down?" He asked

V: "Did he tell you what the important thing is?" She asked

D: "No, he said that I'd be better for us to see him because he fears that we might not understand through the phone."

"Might as well prepare then. At what time do we have to meet?"

D: "Well, he said that at 8, we should be at the rown centre."

T: "8?! It's already 6, the drive from here to there is at least an hour if we find traffic!"

E: "Might as well start getting ready! Less chit- chatting, more preparation!" Grabbing the remote and turning off the tv. We all ran upstairs to get dressed.
I quickly hopped in the shower, without washing my hair. I decided to not wear makeup. We were already late enough and I didn't want to take another 30 minutes doing my makeup. I went doenstairs onto the couch. All the boys were there, showered and dressed, we were all waiting for Victoria. 10 minutes later, Victoria came out with her wet hair and dressed. By the time we all stepped out the door, it was 6.45PM. For some weird reason, Damiano let Thomas drive who we all know is the worse driver from the 5 of us.


Y/N's outfit

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Y/N's outfit.

Damiano's outfit

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Damiano's outfit

Damiano's outfit

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