Drunk Behavior

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Damiano P.O.V

I carried Y/N back to the hotel not thinking about the crowd that was watching me. I didn't care at that moment. All I cared about was her being protected. On our way there, I hummed melodies in her ear that are ideas for the next album we are going to make after we get back to the studio. The boys +kept an eye out for Vic but at that moment;

I only cared for the beautiful angel I was carrying.

She was as light as air, beautiful green eyes that showed my reflection every time I locked eyes with her-sometimes, I wish I could just stop time and stare at her beauty for another minute or two, her hair was soft as I stroked her hair calming her down and she smelt like red roses which describes her beauty within.

Once we arrived at the hotel, we made our way to the elevator and up to our rooms on the 4th floor. I looked down at Y/N and she was sleeping, cuddled into my chest, I smiled and once the elevator doors opened, we all went into my room and I was not going to let her sleep alone in her room tonight. I placed her on my bed, closed the door and went to talk with Victoria, Ethan and Thomas.


I felt someone placing me down onto a bed and had left the room once they placed me. I opened my eyes to a beige aesthetic room. I got up and immediately realized that I was in Damiano's room from all the rings that were placed on the bed side table. I got up and started making my way to get out of the room until I heard them speak.

E: "What are we going to do now?" Ethan asked. The conversation was going to be about me without a doubt. I stayed behind the door eavesdropping to the conversation.

D: "We should leave. That monster is here in the same city we are in and is trying to get her! We need to leave by tomorrow."

V: "I agree but how did he know that she is here?"

T: "Did France say that we were coming and maybe he booked a ticket?"

V: "I don't know..."

E: "But her family haven't seen him in 7 years. We've all seen her kid photos when we went at her house, she looks a lot more different."

D: "Exactly, how did he know we were taking that street? How did he know we were staying here and I think the weirdest of them all how does he know how she looks like now and the people she is staying with? It doesn't make sense!"

I gulped hard with all the rhetorical questions we had no answer to and how much Damiano, Victoria, Thomas and Ethan knew about me and they're so smart to know all of this.

T: "The only people that knew that we were coming here were our families and Lukas. Our families don't know who he is, pretty sure Y/N's family don't contact him anymore and Lukas but Lukas doesn't know her father. Right?"

I gasped loudly realizing it all...


The day of the Audition:

Once I heard the clapping, saw the tears in people's eyes, I felt very proud of what I had done these past 3 minutes. I thanked the audience and made my way backstage for the next participant to try out. Enzo, the guy who was after me nodded as he was impressed by my performance. I handed him the mic and turned to Lukas as he shaked my hand.

"Bravissima." He said I thanked him. I realised he was now wearing glasses on. I thanked him but the reflection of the glass made me wonder.

He was texting someone with the contact name of 'Martin'. I could see from his glasses the text he sent to Martin...

"She is here..."

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