#42: Final goodbyes?

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Darling, this is Jeonghan. Many things already happened and I regret not having a single chance to explain the real truth behind everything face-to-face. I also know that I don't deserve any bit of your trust but I hope you can still trust me in why I'm doing this.

In this letter, to you, I'm going to confess all the dirty and inhumane things I've done. Yes, I am the murderer that some people speculate of me today. I don't know how many people I've killed but I know my father likes it, we're both sick on the head in our own separate terms.

Remember the time where you encountered that man wearing all-black that took your phone away from you? That monster, it was me. I've grown numb and untouchable through my childhood but because of you showing me how kindness feels, I fell in love with you in the most tragic way possible.

And because of all the admiration and the near-obsession I acquired towards you, it just led me to kill that girl. I was angry when she treated you that way and wiping her from existence is the only thing I can think of to keep you safe from people like her.

I really tried to stop killing for you, but at that time, I just wasn't able to control myself.

And through this piece of paper, I'm saying my final goodbyes. I know it wouldn't take a lot of time for you to forget me especially after you discovered who I really am, but I already accepted it.

But in case if we do cross our paths once again in the future, I already hope to see you with a big grin on your face. Maybe a child or two in your arms and your future husband beside you.

It's going to be painful but it's okay.

But still, if it does happen, I'm always there to protect you and your family if something goes on. It's because I will always love you so much—

even until my last breath.

And lastly, Hayoon, inside the box there's a ring. It was supposed to be a promise ring that I'll be glad to give you after you said we're official... But now, unfortunately,

it lost its original purpose.


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