Teenaged Crisis

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A/N THIS ONE IS SAFE I SWEAR. Dedicated to anyone who has ever been upset by one of my stories. Okay this also may or may not just be me unleashing my inner thoughts but whatever. ALSO PTX IS IN MY COUNTRY BUT NOWHRE NEAR ME.

After a long day of school, my favourite thing to do was just to relax and ignore my homework. Most of the time it was just me, but every once in a while Scott would join me and we would be miserable about math together.

On this particular day we were lounging in my living room, a bowl of chips between us. He had insisted that he needed to study for his history exam tomorrow, so I was trying to fight my way through this algebra homework.

The room was filled with the impatient tapping of my pencil, and Scott occasionally turning the page of his textbook. I was so focused on this problem, I didn't even notice the sniffles coming from Scott right away.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked nervously. Scott and I shared everything, and I had cried in front of him several times already. But Scott was always a little more reserved than me, he never wanted to show his emotions to anyone, and I never understood why.

"Yeah...maybe..." He sighed deeply, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I'm just not sure about what I'm doing. I mean, don't get me wrong I love math and science, but I can't help but wonder if it's really for me. I'm probably just overreacting and should stick with what I'm good at, right?"

I set down my pencil and closed my book, turning to give him my full attention. I didn't know how to react in this situation, I was usually the one needing comfort and he was my rock, my guiding compass. I wouldn't even come close to his abilities in this kind of stuff.

"Who am I kidding, Mitch? Am I even good at anything? The only thing I seem to enjoy is music but I'm not good enough in that to make a career out of it. Let's face it: I'm probably not even good enough in science, and that's supposed to be my forte. I don't even know what to do anymore." He buried his face in his hands, finally letting tears drip onto his textbook. I crawled over to where he was sitting, draping my arm around his shoulders. He tucked his large body into my embrace, gripping onto the back of my tshirt.

"What am I going to do?" He sobbed.

"I honestly don't know what to tell you. I don't know what you're going to do in the future, and no one but you can do that. I can tell you that whatever you decide, you'll be successful, and you'll be happy. You'll make the right decision, I promise. And even if you somehow manage to screw it all up, you'll still have me to be a screw up with. Now put the book away and let's see if we can get some ice cream or something."

*this is short because I typed it on my phone and I'm supposed to be doing important stuff*

Sorry in advanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora