Apple Store

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“Mitch Grassi!” I heard my name being called by one of the Apple Store techies. I couldn’t believe that my phone had already stopped working after only a few weeks of having it. Sometimes I loved my iPhone, but times like this I wanted to murder it. Actually I wanted to murder the entire company.

A tall blonde guy in a blue Genius Bar shirt waved me over to his station.

“So, Mitch what’s the problem?” The problem is that you aren’t my boyfriend.

“So, I plugged my phone in yesterday to charge it, and nothing shows up. It won’t charge, it won’t sync my music. I don’t know what to do.” I explained.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m going to take it to the back and see if there’s something wrong with the connector. Be right back.” He smiled politely and turned around, heading to a workroom.

“Wait, you won’t… go through it, will you?” I asked nervously. A shit-eating grin decorated his face before he replied.

“Why, you have nudes on here?” He winked and rushed out of the room leaving me blushing furiously. That little shit.


“Okay, Mitch. I got it to work again. One of the pins had bent so it wasn’t connecting properly. If anything else goes wrong, you can always ask to see me, Scott, again and I’ll fix it for you.” He chirped eagerly. “Have a nice day Mitch!”

“Oh trust me, I will.”

I need to go home; I have a plan to execute.


The next day, I returned to the Apple store, although I was considerably less cranky.

Last night I thought of all the ways that I could cause a problem with my phone with a minimal amount of damage. I didn’t want to crack the screen, because that would take too long to fix. Overheating it and water damage weren’t exactly the best options either, so I decided maybe I could mess around with the software a bit. Several WikiHows later, I had successfully managed to uninstall any iOS software from my phone.

My eyes scanned the store, looking for Scott. Fortunately he was sitting at one of the tables alone, with no customer. I walked over to his table and slammed my phone in front of him.

He looked up at me, obviously startled, but amused as well. “Back so soon? Did you me already?”

I must have looked like a tomato, I was blushing so hard. “Okay, What did you do this time?”

I didn’t even know how to answer that. Man, I didn’t prepare properly. “Scott, I wish I could even tell you what happened. Just fix it please?” I looked up into his blue eyes, hoping that he couldn’t see through my pleading look.

“Alright, I’ll see what I can do.” He unlocked my phone and grew more confused when he saw that there was no display, no software- there was nothing.

“Mitch, what the actual fuck? How did this even happen? I’m going to get a cable so we can see if there is something we can do.”

An hour later, I had gotten my fix of staring at his angelic face while he worked to fix my phone. I was really sad when he passed it back to me, fully repaired.


I was back at Scott’s station less than 24 hours later, anxious to just talk to him. I’m sure it must have been annoying to have someone constantly return with problems, but this time I didn’t have any actual problems with my phone.

He sighed when he saw me again. “Hey, Mitch. That phone not working again? Let’s see what I can do.”

He held out his hand for me to pass him my phone, and my heart started to speed up when I pressed the phone into the palm of his hand.

“You see Scott, I don’t think that it will take long to fix my problem today. I have a problem with my contacts.”

“Oh, really?” He raised an eyebrow. “Enlighten me, what is it?”

“The thing is, there’s a number that I really want to be in there, but it just won’t show up when I search their name.”

“So the problem is…”

“The problem is that I don’t have your phone number.”

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