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I perused the aisles of the store, running my fingers along the spines of the books. I wasn’t much of a reader, but something about being in a bookstore that was calming. Maybe it was all the bright colours, or the tall shelves lined with books. All the knowledge surrounding me, all the stories I knew I would never hear, it was a lot to take in at once.

Sometimes I liked to wander back to the teen fiction section, just to look at the books I’ve already read. I know. A grown man reading books meant for teenaged girls? Pathetic. But who could deny that some of them actually had good plot. Anything that could bring me to tears was good in my eyes.

I ended up there anyways, while just looking through the stock. I wasn’t looking for anything in particular, just browsing, and I somehow always came back to the same place. This time I was surprised to find a young man about my age there too. I thought I was the only one lame enough to be here.

He was attractive too, a pair of thickly framed glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. He looked smart, but not the arrogant type of smart that would try and outdo you in everything. He was holding a blue hardcover in his hands, reading the blurb on the inside jacket. It took me a few seconds to recognize the black and white clouds embossed on the cover.

“Oh. My. God.” I squealed. That sounded way to girlish. “That’s my favourite book.”

My outburst cause him to look up from his reading, throwing me a quizzical look. “Yeah?” he asked, pushing his glasses back into place and brushing his dark hair out of his eyes. “My best friend has been bugging me to read it for ages. She says it’s the best piece of fiction she’s ever read and that John Green is totally a genius. You agree?”

I nodded eagerly. “Of course. I mean, that book made me blubber like a baby it was so good.” Good job, you just told a cute stranger you cried like a small child. “Yeah, um, let’s pretend I didn’t just say that. The book is really good though.”

He laughed at my little slip up, and clutched the book to his chest. “Is it really that good? How much are you willing to bet that I’ll love it as much as you do?”

I know the game you’re playing. “Well, I’m definitely willing to buy the book for you, and take you out for coffee. That sounds good?”

A large smile grew on his face, adorable dimples making indents on his cheeks. “You’re on.”

I paid for the book, quickly scribbling my number on the front page before bidding the gorgeous man goodbye.


3:30 PM

Unknown number: Hey cutie ;) it’s mitch from the bookstore. about to dig into this book. will keep you updated.

Mitch: oh my god I’m literally only on the first page and shit is deep

Mitch: “depression isn’t a side effect of cancer, it’s a side effect of dying” is this author sadistic or something because I have a feeling he enjoys his readers pain

Scott: if you feel that way now, you’re definitely going to feel a lot from this book

7:54 PM

Mitch: I see you being a sneaky little bastard and copying the characters. but don’t make me be Hazel okay

Mitch: if you’re gonna pretend to be Gus and make me read a book and put your number in the book than I’m gonna make you read my favourite book

11:35 PM

Mitch: OH MY GOD

Mitch: that was unexpected

Mitch: I was totally expecting Hazel to be the one to bite it

Scott: but are you enjoying it

Scott: if you’re enjoying it I’m taking you out to coffee okay

2:33 AM

*incoming call: Mitch*

“Hello?” I answered the phone, trying to keep my voice down. My phone vibrating on the pillow next to me had shocked me out of my restless sleep.

“S-scott?” I heard Mitch sob on the other end of the line. I guess he finished the book. “Why the HELL would you make me read that? It was so sad… and the eulogy… oh my god.”

“I take it you enjoyed?” I coyly replied, trying to sound upbeat and flirtatious instead of dead tired.

“Of course I did, you sick bastard. You definitely owe me coffee for putting me through that pain.” He paused for a moment, letting the static replace the sound of his voice. “I’m trying to think of a book to bring you. Something just as moving, but that won’t bring you to tears… hmmm…”

After almost a full minute, he let out an excited strangled noise. “Found it! Hyperbole and a Half! It’s absolutely hilarious, you’ll love it. So about that coffee… you free tomorrow, or I guess it’s today now?”

I giggled at how excited he was. “Yeah, I’m free after four. Hey, Mitch?” I asked.

“Yeah?” he answered, sounding like all those hours of reading were finally getting to him.

“I’m gonna make you watch the movie too.”

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