The Tower (Part 2)

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The ride back to the palace was long and tedious. Mitch kept squirming from behind me on the horse’s back, complaining about how sore his bottom was from riding. As much as I wanted to be back home, Mitch’s complaining was actually cute for a bit. Emphasis on the ‘a bit’ part.

“Are we there yet?”

“How much longer until we arrive?”

“Why won’t you answer me? If I’m to be your bride you have to listen to me.”

He was beginning to drive me up the wall, but after a few minutes of me not responding, he nestled his chin into the crook where my shoulder met my neck and relaxed. I think the excitement of today is starting to wear off.

“Hey, Mitch?” I asked, nudging his chin. “What about the witch that locked you in the tower? What will happen if she finds out you’ve escaped?”

“You’re gonna protect me, of course!” he said it like it was obvious, but I wasn’t convinced that was a sound plan.

“I could barely carry you down from the tower and you expect me to protect you from the witch if she attacks? If you’re asking for that on day one I can’t wait to hear your wedding vows.” I could practically feel him roll his eyes.

“She’s a small, frail old woman, you can definitely take her.” He sounded like he was forcing to make that compliment seem genuine.

“Are you just saying that because you want to marry me?” I asked, understandably skeptical.



When we arrived at the palace gates, I was yelled at by guards for abandoning my duties, as expected. Only after several minutes of lecturing did anyone notice Mitch standing behind me.

“Who is this?” They asked, gesturing to Mitch who stepped to be beside me and took my hand. “I am here to marry Prince Hoying. He rescued me from a tower and in return I gave him my hand in marriage, which seems fair enough to me.”

“I think Mitch couldn’t have said it better.” I added. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting with the council about some arranged marriage that I’m already late to.”


“Father,” My voice boomed throughout the room, all the senators, advisors, and the king sitting in a U formation to face me. “This is Mitch, and I wish to ask for his hand in marriage, but first I need your approval.”

“And you just met this man today? You can’t marry someone you just met!” he protested.

“But, dad, this isn’t just some stranger, this is true love!” I knew I was being overdramatic, but I would do whatever it takes to get the job done. I almost didn’t hear Mitch mutter “you don’t know that” under his breath, but I slapped his wrist to let him know he was not helping this case.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s true love, Scott.” The King said coldly. “What would happen when you take my place and become a King? You need a Queen to rule, not another King.”

I was about to respond to him, but Mitch jumped forward and beat me to it. “Your majesty,” he bowed his head to show he had nothing but respect for the King. “I have spent the past seventeen years acting like a Queen, but if I do not fit the role you’re looking for, I will remain a prince when my husband would become King. And before you mention how two men can’t have children, I think we would gladly pull a few orphans off the street and raise them to be royalty.”

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