Say 'I do'

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Wednesday, July 1st 2015

Today is the day, he thought.

He was buried in the covers of his childhood bed, while Scott was staying in his home a few blocks away. Mitch didn't want to be apart, even if it was for just one night, but Scott insisted they follow his family's tradition that spouses couldn't see each other the night before their wedding. He agreed, because that's what Scott wanted, but it had been harder to sleep without strong arms wrapped around his waist and a warm body pressed into his back.

He missed his boyfriend, no wait, his fiancé.

We're actually getting married today. We're finally tying the knot.

A smile grew on his face as he repeated that phrase in his head over and over. He stretched out, his hands hitting the headboard as he arched his back to relieve the discomfort. A knock sounded on the door.

"Mitch? Are you awake?" It was his mom, who probably heard the noise and came running.

"Yeah, mom. Give me a second, I'll be right out." He sat up, shoving the blankets off him. His phone bounced on the mattress, and in a desperate attempt to save it from falling he lunged forward to grab it. He turned it on to check the time, and saw he had several missed messages. One in particular stood out to him.

Future husband: do you know what today is??

He thought of possible sassy responses and settled for being oblivious.

Mitchie: it's Canada day you dork

He received a response almost immediately.

Future husband: nooo something else :)

Mitchie: There's gonna be a lot of upset Canadians.

Mitchie: but I'm excited.

He decided he'd leave Scott hanging for now and headed down to the kitchen. He passed a window in the hallway and pressed his hands against the glass.

He had been hoping for a bright, sunny day, something to match his mood. Instead, his fingertips were met with raindrops hammering down on the other side. The sky was bursting with stormy clouds of varying shades of grey, all looking moody and cold. He sighed, and continued his walk down the stairs.

There goes any chance of taking photos outside.

"Mitch!" his mom exclaimed when he walked into the kitchen. She ushered him into a chair at the table and shoved a plate of pancakes in front of him. "I made you breakfast! And yes, they're gluten free."

"Thanks mom," he smiled at her, breaking off a piece and shoveling it into his mouth. She took the chair in front of him and began talking excitedly.

"Are you nervous? We've been waiting for this day forever, your father and I. Speaking of him, where on earth is he?" she paused for a second before calling out: "Mike! Where are you?"

"Here!" Mike burst into the kitchen, smiling at his family.

"Here's the man of the day!" He clapped Mitch on the shoulder, sitting next to him. "Shouldn't you be getting ready? It takes you 3 hours to do your hair right? We wouldn't want to be late."

"Daad." He complained. "Just because you don't like my hair doesn't mean I need hours to make it perfect."

"Just joking," Mike laughed. "You'll look like a model no matter what you do with your hair, and Scott will fall head over heels in love all over again when he sees you. He's a lucky man."

"Dad, stop," Mitch blushed, his cheeks becoming as red as the mug his mother was drinking from.

"What?" Mike asked innocently, throwing his hands up in mock defense. "Just being honest. I can't wait to finally be able to call him my son. I'm so happy for you two."

"Thanks dad," Mitch threw his arms around his father's shoulders, squeezing him tight. "I love you."

"I love you too, now go start getting ready!"


When he was finally ready, his hair and makeup done perfectly, teeth nice and clean, suit placed perfectly, he sauntered back downstairs, where his parents were waiting for him. His mother was holding a corsage composed of a single white rose. She had tears in her eyes when she saw him come into the room.

"Look at you... my little boy, all grown up." She held out her arms, and Mitch walked into her embrace, holding her tiny body close to him. She pulled away and wiped her eyes. "I promised I wouldn't cry."

"It's okay mom," he reassured, patting her shoulders.

"Connie and I got these for you boys," she said, gesturing to the corsage. "Scott has the same one."

"Thank you." He said as she pinned the rose to the lapel of his jacket.

"Ready to leave?" Mike asked, putting his arm around Mitch's shoulders. Mitch nodded and headed to the door.

"Wait!" his mom called, handing him a clear umbrella. "You might need this."

He took it from her, murmuring a quick 'thanks' under his breath. He followed his dad out to the car, taking the backseat. Mike pulled out of the driveway and drove to the nearby chapel the Grassi and Hoying families attended when the boys were young.

Mitch stared out the window, alternating between watching the scenery pass by and watching the rain drops race down the car window.

"We're here." Nel said from the passenger seat. She came around and opened the door for him, offering him her arm. "Scott's already here, he texted me."

They stopped in the entrance to the church, and she took his hands. "I love you. Your father and I are going inside; you come in whenever you're ready."

"I love you too." Mitch breathed, leaning forward to kiss her cheek. "I'll see you inside."

The wedding was thrown together on such short notice, Scott and Mitch had decided they didn't need to invite many guests. The only attendees were both their parents, and they wouldn't have it any other way. It still held all the traditional values they wanted, and the most important thing was they had each other.

Mitch took a deep breath, pushing open the church doors and starting his walk down the aisle.

He caught a glimpse of Scott standing at the altar, practically glowing with happiness. His eyes were twinkling, much like when he said his first 'I love you' and when he asked Mitch to marry him. The smile on his face was brighter than an afternoon sun, incomparable to anything Mitch had ever seen. When his short walk was over, he held Scott's hands, relief flooding through him when he felt Scott's hands were just as clammy as his own.

Everyone turned their attention to the minister as they started their speech. Mitch zoned out mostly, excitement bubbling in the pit of his stomach. He tuned back in when Scott let go of his hands to fetch something from his suit pocket.

Scott pulled out a ring, a simple band that Mitch knew was probably made of pure gold, and held it up to Mitch's finger.

"Do you, Scott Hoying, take Mitch Grassi to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" the minister asked.

"I do." Scott smiled, confidence and assurance in his voice. Mitch watched as he slid the ring on, the band fitting snugly on his finger.

He reached into his own suit jacket and pulled out an identical ring, holding it against Scott's finger, just as Scott had a few moments ago.

"Do you, Mitch Grassi, take Scott Hoying to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

He inhaled deeply, his hands shaking as he prematurely slipped the ring onto Scott's finger with ease.

"I do."

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