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A/N Because I know you're all dead from angst week, I'm doing Five Days of Fluff here. Every day leading up to and including Christmas I'll be posting a holiday themed one shot. Enjoy!

I was both excited and nervous about our ice skating date. I had never been before, and I warned Scott that it would probably end with me slicing his hand off, but he insisted on taking me. 'We're in New York, and the Christmas tree is lit. C'mon Mitchie, it's basically calling us to go.' He argued.

I couldn't help but agree when I saw how excited he was. He really wanted to go, and he was willing to put up with me clumsily flailing around the rink for a few hours, which was good enough for me. Besides, Scott claimed he was practically a pro when it came to skating. The thing was, he also said he was practically a pro chef and somehow managed to burn soup.

When we arrived, he helped me lace up my rental skates, flashing me an excited smile. He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bench and towards the ice. He effortlessly maintained his balanced and took my other hand.

"Okay, Mitchie, I'm going to need you to just step onto the ice. Don't try and move yet, I'll pull you out of the way so other people can get on the rink."

I placed a tentative foot on the ice, sure that as soon as I wasn't on solid ground anymore, I would fall on my ass and take Scott down with me. But there was no turning back now, since I already had one foot in this mess, literally. I squeezed Scott's hands tightly as I put the other foot on the ice, somehow managing to not fall over in the process. The grin that stretched from ear to ear on Scott's face as he pulled me along with him was priceless.

"You're doing it!" He squealed excitedly, whipping his head back to make sure we wouldn't crash into anything or anyone.

"I am doing it!" I couldn't believe how much fun I was having. Scott's promise on being exceptional when it came to skating was holding up so far, since we hadn't crashed yet.

After a few minutes of slowly going around, he asked me if I wanted to try on my own.

"I'll try, but no promises we'll stay standing for a while." I hesitated when he let go to one of one of my hands. Finding balance on my own was a struggle, but once I found it, I pushed one foot forward.

That was a huge mistake. I wasn't able to actually keep the only balance I had found, and the two of us went tumbling to the ground. Scott tried to catch me and take the impact for me, but he wasn't exactly successful. He looked at me with concern swimming in his eyes, checking to see if I was hurt, but I just burst into laughter. Eventually he joined in too, and we just lay on the ice in a laughing fit, while other skaters gave us dirty looks.

We got up to head off the rink, only to find that we were covered in snow.

"Sorry I ruined our date, Scottie." I apologized.

"I'm not worried about that Mitchie; I still had a good time. I'm more worried about that fact that now we're soaking wet and I'm freaking cold." He was right, I hadn't even realized how cold I was until I felt his icy fingers wrapped around mine.

"Well," I tried my best to use a teasing tone. "How about we go back to the hotel? I have a few ideas that'll keep us warm."

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