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I rolled over in the cold hotel bed for what must've been the hundredth time tonight. It was nearing 1:30 and I was still wide awake, damn jet lag.

I never understood how time changes never affected Scott, but apparently he was immune to the differences because he was fast asleep across the room.

I flipped over again to face the wall and ducked my head under the covers, taking my headphones from the nightstand while I was at it. I turned down the brightness of my phone to the lowest possible setting so it wouldn't bother Scott and began to scroll through twitter.

I saw the usual bizarre things Claudia was tweeting, and I had to restrain myself from replying because I knew someone would tell me to go to sleep. So I kept scrolling, reading some fans tweets to see what their topic of the night was.

I was just about to give up and try and sleep again when I felt another body squeeze into the small bed beside me. I flipped onto my other side to see Scott looking up at me with tired eyes.

"Hey," I whispered, adjusting the sheets around me to try and keep warm. "I thought you were asleep."

"I can't sleep either, my minds going into overdrive." He mumbled.

"About what? Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, concern immediately filling my chest. Scott usually isn't kept up by anything unless it's serious.

"It's nothing bad, so don't even start to worry. I'm just excited. Can you believe it, we kick off a world tour tomorrow."

"Wouldn't be the first time Scottie. I'm thinking more about the fact that we have to kick off said tour in like 6 hours." I groaned as I remembered just how late it is.

"Who needs sleep when I'm excited and you're still in LA time? Let's talk." He was starting to bounce around in the bed like an excited toddler, and I knew he was doing it so I would go to sleep on him.

"Okay..." I laughed quietly. "What do you want to talk about?"

"We could talk about Wyatt. I miss him a lot. I wish we were home more often so we could see him more. We could talk about you, or what you were doing on your phone before I crawled into this bed. By the way if I fall asleep and fall out in the middle of the night let me sleep on the floor."

I giggled at the image of him curled up in a ball on the floor. "Whatever you say, Scottland. And I was reading a buzzfeed article on who should replace Zayn."

"Ooh! Who are the top choices?"

"There's like actual celebrities, there's Troye Sivan, and there'" I hesitated before telling him, I knew in my heart he would never leave us to be with four guys he didn't know, but he had so much potential to do well by himself I had to remind myself this wouldn't last forever.

"Mitchie. Look at me."

I gazed into those piercing blue eyes, admiring the man resting next to me. He took my hands in his and pressed a gentle kiss on my knuckles.

"You know I would never leave you. Ever. I love you too much for that. I'm pretty sure if you hadn't been doing this with me I would've already overworked myself and I wouldn't love it nearly as much as I do now. You're my rock that gets me through this as much as I'm yours okay?" He placed one more sweet kiss to my forehead, keeping his deathly tight grip on my hands. "We should get some sleep, we have a long day tomorrow."

Very plotless fluff written on my phone. Next one shot Wednesday ;)

Sorry in advanceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ