Once in a Lifetime

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A/N I usually don't like songfics but this one kind of just happened. The song is linked on the side if you want to give it a listen. 

“Hey Kirst, remind me again, what’s going on next week?” Scott said into his mic as Avi brought out the chair we use to perform ‘Let’s Get it On’.

“Silly Scooter,” she responded, walking up my ramp and pulling me towards the chair. “It’s Valentine’s day of course.”

What the hell is going on? This isn’t part of our set is it?

Ah, thanks for the reminder.” He winked at me, probably noting my confused face before turning to speak to the audience. “Now, y’all know that Valentine’s Day is technically supposed to be for celebrating romantic love, but whatever it sucks that there isn’t a holiday for best friends. Not to mention I would celebrate the shit out of that.”

“SCOTT! You’re not allowed to say that!” Kevin chastised.

“I’ll be good from now on, I promise!” He turned and winked at me before continuing. “Now, not only is next week Valentine’s Day, it also just happens to be the fifteen year anniversary of meeting my best friend.”

The crowd was in awe, but all I could think of was how I hadn’t even realized that it was our anniversary.

“I know, I know. We’re adorable.” He grinned, about to keep speaking before I interrupted him.

“Just putting this out there: I have absolutely no idea what he’s got planned.” I spoke, unable to keep a smile off my face.

“Oh shush you. You’re not supposed to know what’s going on. Now, as I was saying before I was interrupted, Mitch and I have been best friends for probably a hundred years now, and he’s very special to me. But when we went home to Texas over our winter break, I went out for coffee with an old friend from high school and she was telling me how she just graduated from university with a psychology major. Anyways she was saying in one of her philosophy classes or whatever she had to write a ridiculously long paper on soulmates, and she looked at me and told me in such a serious tone that she was glad I had found mine. Now, I was confused a bit at first, but she explained that Mitch was my other half, and she was happy that I found him. She also told me that one of her roommates had overplayed this Landon Austin song, and every time she heard it she would think of us. Anyways I just realized I’ve been talking forever, but the point of the story is that in the past few months I’ve realized that I found my other half. When I told Kirstie this, she agreed 100% and said I should make a big gesture because I just can, so we arranged this behind Mitch’s back just so I could give him this moment.” He paused. “Also, I’m sorry this isn’t our best. We just don’t sound the same without Mitch.”

He took a deep breath while Kevin counted down and the other three members began to sing. He wouldn’t look me in the eyes until he raised his microphone to his lips and his sweet voice filled the air.

“A summer rain is passing over, and it feels like a dream…..”

I smiled when I recognized the song, and his eyes lit up with happiness. He continued to sing, sounding less nervous now. When the first verse was over, I held my microphone to my lips to join in for the chorus. But he sang the next words with such sincerity, tears began to freely fall down my cheeks.

“Don’t you know you stop the room? And all that I can see is you.” He walked over to gently wipe the tears off my face and grip my fingers, before I found my voice again and sang with him.

“I’m standing where the lightning strikes, I know this doesn’t happen twice. You must be my once in a lifetime.”

That was his tipping point. He stopped singing and pulled me into his arms, fully sobbing now. I wasn’t focused on anything but him in that moment. I didn’t see the tears and smiled on Avi, Kirstie, and Kevin’s faces, I didn’t hear the crowd going wild, or even noticed our tour manager looking slightly confused offstage. All I hear was Scott whispering in my ear, telling me how much he loved me, and how I made him so happy. He said he wished I could be his forever. I tilted my head up, bringing my lips next to his ear before shutting him up.

“You know I’ll be yours forever right? After all, I am your soulmate.”

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