(Super)Fruity Holiday

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A/N Merry Christmas everyone!

I groaned when I heard my alarm going off. Remind me again why I'm awake at 6 am? Then I remembered the surprise I had planned, and was instantly a little less cranky.

Mitch had gone to bed early last night because he wasn't feeling too hot, and even though I didn't want him to be sick, I was happy it gave me extra time to prepare. I staggered into the living room, too tired to actually pay attention to anything. I ran through my mental checklist.

Okay, I've put up the tree, there are decorations everywhere, and the camera and lighting is set up. I need to make breakfast... and coffee. We'll definitely need coffee.

I went into the kitchen and took inventory of the breakfast foods we had in the fridge. There wasn't anything to make pancakes, like I had planned, so I settled on making Mitch's second favourite: bacon and eggs. While the bacon was sizzling on the stove, I pulled out the new mugs I had gotten a few weeks ago, with two snowmen holding hands and the caption 'I'd melt for you'. I knew they were incredibly cheesy, but it was Christmas. It was allowed. The aromatic scent of coffee filled the air, and I poured the bitter drink into our mugs, sweetening them to our tastes.

I put the breakfast on plates and set everything on the coffee table in the living room, then I turned on the lights and camera. We were now ready to film, all I needed was Mitch.

Oh my god his reaction will be priceless.

I decided to surprise him with our 'Superfruit Christmas' since we were both going home for Christmas, even though we would probably still see each other on Christmas day. Now that everything was ready, it was time to wake up Mitch. I turned on my phone camera, since the internet probably needed this.

His door was open a crack, and I inspected his bed to make sure I wouldn't trample and kill Wyatt. I verified that the coast was clear, and then snuck into his room.

I almost changed my mind about waking him up, he looked so peaceful. He had curled up around his pillow in the middle of the night, his blanket pulled up to his chin. He sighed in his sleep, and I realized how long I had been staring at him. Well, here goes nothing.

I leaped onto his bed and started yelling in my best 'hyper kid on Christmas voice'.


He picked up his pillow and covered his face with it, obviously annoyed with my plan. Good.

"Scott, what the actual fuck? People on the east coast are probably still sleeping. Why the fuck are we awake?"

"Becaaaaause," I exaggerated. "It's Christmas. At least on Superfruit it is. C'mon, there's coffee and breakfast waiting in the living room."

"You're lucky I love you as much as I do, because if you were anyone else, I swear you would be dead by now."

He followed me to the living room, and I heard him gasp in surprise when he saw all the decorations, including the miniature Christmas tree I had put up.

I handed him his coffee. "So, what do you think?"

"Sandra, did you do all this yourself after I went to bed?" I nodded. "Are you kidding me? You know I would want to help." I gulped. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all, I mean, he sounds pretty pissed-

"GOT YOU! You should've seen the look on your face just then, you were so scared!" He was laughing uncontrollably, and I couldn't help but join in. His laughter was contagious. "That was just payback for waking me up so early. The decorations are beautiful, I love them. I love you too, but why? Was it really necessary to wake me up at 7 AM?"

"Yes, it was necessary! I needed to have the authentic Christmas experience. Now shush and drink your coffee. Time to start this episode."

The episode went just as I had planned. We answered some holiday questions over breakfast in our pyjamas, which was a nice change from the usual video we do. Then Mitch suggested we give each other our gifts on camera. Luckily, I had put them under our small tree to add festivity.

"I'll go first." I grabbed the thin package wrapped in metallic gold paper from under the tree and passed it to Mitch. He ripped off the paper and smiled when he saw it was SOPHIE's new record on vinyl. He threw out a quick "Thanks, dad" before eagerly grabbing a card in a hot pink envelope.

I pulled out the card to see that it was custom made, the words Merry Christmas Dad were painted across a models abs, and my face was photoshopped onto the body. I doubled over in laughter, unable to control the inappropriate laughter.

"You haven't even gotten to the best part!" Mitch complained.

I opened the card, tears of laughter still pushing down my cheeks, and a pair of concert tickets fell out.

No. He didn't.

"They're VIP; I hope you don't mind that I got them for you." Mitch explained. "I figured it was about time you met your queen."

"Ohmygod I LOVE YOU!" I threw my arms around his neck, even more excited than when I came up with the idea that was turning out to be the best thing I've ever done. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you."

Mitch laughed nervously, he then turned to face the camera. "But what about you guys?" he asked, pointing a finger at the camera. "We didn't get you guys anything for Christmas. What do you think they'd want Scott? I think they would want us to kiss."

I nodded in agreement. I would like that too. "You know, it's a great idea. Let's just do it."

I reached behind him to grab his neck and bring him closer, he leaned towards me until I could feel his breath on my lips, but then he pulled away. "We'll cut it there. I think that will be enough sexual tension for one video."

"Um, no." I growled. "I'm not done with you. Come back here and let me finish what we started."

He raised an eyebrow, but didn't protest, leaning forward until our noses were touching.

"Merry Christmas then." He pressed his soft lips to mine, and all I could think is that this was definitely the best idea I've ever had.

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