For The First Time Again

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A/N Bonus points to whoever can guess what inspired this.

I had never been so anxious in my life. Waiting rooms always seem to mock me, whether I’m waiting to see a regular physician or if I’m in an instance like this. I know I had nothing to worry about, since the surgery had been scheduled for months now, but I was awaiting the go to visit him.

Scott had scheduled a three hour nasal surgery to help him breathe better, and it was just about time for someone to come and fetch me to visit him. He would have to stay in the hospital overnight, and I was planning to stay with him.

Just then, a nurse called out: “for Scott Hoying?” I jumped from my seat, rushing to her side. “He’s currently asleep, but he’ll be up in the next five minutes or so. Everything went extremely well, and we’ll just be monitoring his breathing and his pain medications until tomorrow morning.”

She led me down a long corridor to his room, where he was sleeping peacefully. I set down my duffel bag and placed the flowers I had brought on the table before sitting next to him. I brushed some hair out of his face and adjusted the tubes sticking out of his nostrils. He looked sick with those things in, but the way he was breathing evenly assured me he was just fine.

The chair next to his bed that was to be my home for the next twelve hours was stiff as I settled in it, and I regretted not bringing a pillow. As I was groaning while trying to get comfortable, Scott opened his eyes, blinking a bit before pressing the pump to deliver medication into his bloodstream. He looked around the room before setting his eyes on me.

“Whoa, hello there gorgeous.” He flirted, making my heart flutter. “Who are you?” The smile on my face plummeted; he doesn’t know who I am.

I must’ve started crying then, because Scott started to crack a joke. “Hey there, I know I’m not exactly eye candy, but that’s all right, you’ve got enough good looks for the two of us. You have a boyfriend? Or a name?”

He always did think I was beautiful. “Yes and yes. My name is Mitch, but you like to call me Mitchie sometimes,” I laughed.

“Wait,” he held up his hands to ensure I wouldn’t interrupt him. “We know each other?”

“We do.” His eyebrow shot up quizzically. “We’re actually dating.”

“We’re what?” He couldn’t contain the shock on his face, so I handed him a glass of water.

“You heard me properly; now drink something before you wear out your voice.”

He reluctantly pressed the glass against his lips and took a few sips of water. “You’re absolutely sure you’re dating me and not some really hot guy next door?”

I took my hand in his. “I promise that I really am dating you and not someone else. I’ve known you so long I can’t actually imagine being with someone else.”

“Oh yeah?” he challenged. “I still don’t believe you. Kiss me to prove it.”

God he’s such an idiot when he’s high.

I leaned over and pressed my lips to his gently. It was awkward with the tubes sticking from his nose, but the spark was still there. I pulled away, satisfied.

He stared at the wall ahead of him, a huge smile on his face. “I hit the JACKPOT!” He yelled loud enough that the entire hospital probably heard him.

“So did I,” I said simply.

We sat there, just staring into each other’s eyes. The only sounds were from Scott pumping medicine and the breathing machine. As the room started to get dark, I went to the duffel bag and put on a pair of pyjamas in the joint bathroom. Returning to the uncomfortable chair, I heard him whisper something. It was barely discernable, but I could still understand his distinct voice.

“How did I ever get so lucky?”

I leaned on my side to face him, letting him cling to my hand. “I could ask you the same question.”

“Are we in love?” his voice was innocent, genuinely asking.

“Deeper than the ocean. I think we’re so in love that we annoy people sometimes.”

“Good.” He sighed. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

His eyelids were drooping, and I could tell he was fighting to stay awake. I let him fall asleep and just watched him, making sure he was comfortable and resting before letting myself drift off.

“Mitchie?” he asked. “Will you still be here in the morning?”

“I’ll be here forever babe. I love you.” My voice was drowsy, but I tried to keep awake for him.

“Love you too Mitchie.”

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