Worship You

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Did someone call for vomit inducing fluff? Well, even if you didn't, have some anyways.

Scott woke up to the hot sunlight streaming in through his bedroom window. The rays of light danced on his face as his eyes fluttered open. He groaned, rolling over to bury his face into his pillow. His arm flopped over onto the empty side of the bed, hitting the cold sheets with a thump.

"Mitch?" he whispered into the air, looking around the room. His vision still blurred from waking up, so he couldn't tell if he was alone or not. "Are you here?"

"Yeah," he heard shuffling from the corner of the room as Mitch stood up from the lounge chair in the corner of the room. He padded over to the bed, moving Scott's outstretched arm out of the way to make room to sit. He set the book he was reading down on the nightstand and cradled his mug coffee in his hands. "Good morning babe."

"'Morning," Scott mumbled, rubbing his eyes. He reached over to the nightstand, fumbling around for his glasses before Mitch pressed them onto his nose for him. "How long you been up?"

"Oh, only a few hours." Mitch replied lazily, blowing steam off his coffee to cool it down.

"So I'm guessing that's not your first cup of the day is it? What time is it?"

"It's 11:30." Mitch shrugged, double-checking the time on his watch. "And before you yell at me for not waking you up, Esther called and cancelled the interview we had this morning, so I let you sleep in. I've been up since then."

"So our schedule is cleared today?" Scott asked hopefully.

"Crystal clear." Mitch beamed, scooting over so he could sit closer to Scott. "What do you want to do?"

"I pretty much want to stay in bed all day, maybe snuggle a little, order some pizza..." he trailed off, letting his thoughts wander. He looked over to see that Mitch was also lost in thought, staring straight at the wall in front of him. He took the mug of steaming liquid from the smaller boy's hands and leaned over to put it aside, wrapping his arms around him. "What are you thinking about?"

"You, how adorable you are when you sleep, how much I love you, how much you love me... Need I say more?" Mitch giggled, burrowing into the sheets and snuggling against Scott's chest.

"No, I think I got the gist," he smirked, "but by all means, keep going."

Mitch sat up a little, the covers falling around his hips and revealing Scott's bare upper half. He rolled over to straddle Scott's stomach, leaning forward to bring their lips together in a chaste kiss. They pulled back, only slightly so their noses touched, slightly breathless.

"You have morning breath." Mitch giggled, nudging his nose against Scott's.

"And you have coffee breath." He countered.

"But you love it."

"I love you."

"I love you too," Mitch whispered, pecking Scott's lips again. "I love your smile,"

He kissed his nose.

"I love the way we fit together."

He kissed his jaw.

"I love the way you make me feel like a goddess, like the most loved man in the world. It just makes me want to worship you."

Mitch started kissing down Scott's neck. Not sweet, gentle kisses either. These kisses were hot and fueled by passion. Mitch's lips blazed a trail down to Scott's collarbone, where he took his time teasing the sensitive skin. Once he was satisfied with what was sure to be bruising tomorrow, he continued downwards on Scott's chest. He was peppering kisses on Scott's sternum when a throaty chuckle interrupted him.

He folded his arms over Scott's ribcage and rested his chin on his wrists. "What's so funny?"

Scott looked down at him through squinted eyes, the sunlight shining directly onto his face. Mitch had to admit, the morning sun certainly did give Scott a nice glow. The spray of freckles on his nose, cheeks, and chest were a thousand times more visible (and adorable), and the silver flecks in his eyes shone.

"Your hair. It's so long now that it tickles."

"I'm sorry." Mitch said, subconsciously pushing his hair back. "I ruined the moment didn't I?"

Scott frowned. "You did not." He reached down to ruffle Mitch's hair back into place, combing it to the side with his fingers.

"Better." He said, satisfied with his work. "Besides, I wasn't in the mood for sex anyways. Haven't even had coffee yet."

"I just wanted to worship you and show you I love you the way you do for me." Mitch said quietly, suddenly more interested in staring at the small patch of hair on Scott's chest than his eyes. He felt Scott's arms wrap around his shoulders and press their bodies closer together.

"Mitchie," Scott called tenderly, rubbing circles on Mitch's back. "Can you look at me please?"

Mitch hesitantly looked up, nervous for some reason. He knew he had nothing to be worried about, and when he looked up to see Scott's soft features casting a worried glance down at him, he couldn't help his poor heart from swelling with pride. He didn't say anything, he just let himself become lost in those eyes full of love. He felt Scott's legs kick and fumble around beneath him, and he shifted a little so Scott could take the covers and pull them tight around the two of them.

"You know I love you, right?" Scott asked, his hands returning to their rightful place on Mitch's back. They roamed up and down his sides a little before settling below his shoulder blades.

"How could I forget?" he laughed sarcastically. "You scream it to the world practically every five minutes."

"And you show me how much you love me with little things, and they make me love you even more." Scott grinned, his entire face erupting into a toothy smile.

"I don't know..." Mitch hummed. "I feel inadequate sometimes."

"Are you kidding me?" Scott asked, as if it was the most outrageous thing in the world to say. "That is so wrong. For one, you can always predict what exactly I need any time, whether its holding my hand, or getting me a drink, or just sitting there and listening. You always make sure to call me endearing pet names first thing in the morning because you know I love it, and at night when you think I've fallen asleep I can hear you whisper 'I love you' and kiss my forehead. And moments like now, where you lie with me and look up at me with the stars in your eyes like I'm the sun? Forget inadequate, you make me feel like I'm on the top of the world. You make me feel like I was meant for someone, and that's what's most important, right? That I feel loved?"

Mitch's eyes were glistening with tears as he listened to Scott's speech. He knew Scott was probably on the verge of tears too. Whenever Scott talked about anything sentimental, he naturally started crying. Once he cried telling Wyatt that he'll miss snuggling with him on tour.

Scott reached down to wipe the tears falling from Mitch's eyes. "We broke the rule. The one that says no sentimental crying until happy hour." He laughed, reaching up to wipe at his own eyes. Mitch caught his contagious laughter, and soon both boys were in a fit of laughter, clutching to each other for dear life.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." Mitch said, his voice muffled from being pressed to Scott's chest.

"Me too," Scott agreed, tracing patters on Mitch's skin. "It might not be forever, but we can stay like this all day."

He looked down and was met with Mitch's ear to ear grin that spoke more words on the subject than he ever could.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. You love me to death," he said in mock vainness, "I love you too."

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