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A/N Since PTX was nominated for a Grammy (!!!) I decided to write this in celebration. I may or may not have made myself emotional while writing this. Enjoy!

December 2014

This has been the best week ever. That’s Christmas to me went gold, we announced our tour, and everyone seemed to be enjoying the new video, but no, our week was far from finished. Today, the Grammys were announcing all the nominees, and we had submitted Daft Punk for the arranging category. We were nervous to say the least. We had a concert later in the day, so we were all in our separate hotel rooms, anxiously waiting for the announcement.

Mitch and I were curled up in bed, mindlessly flipping through channels to keep our minds off our nerves. We had my laptop open on the nightstand and both our phones set to send us a notification every time a new category was announced. Even though I knew it wouldn’t be a big deal if we weren’t nominated, it would do such good things for our careers if we could win.

I wanted to stay wrapped up in this hotel comforter, with Mitch pressed into my side, forever, but my phone ringing loudly pulled me out of my trance. I bolted out of bed and ran across the room to get my phone, while Mitch lazily sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“Babe?” he asked nervously. “What does it say?”

I couldn’t even answer him, I was so shocked. I looked into his eyes, sure he could see the tears about to flow down my cheeks. I cleared my throat and cracked a grin. “We’re going to the Grammys!”

The smile that lit up his face made all the patient and torturous waiting worth it. He reverted back into his loud and sassy personality as he practically leaped across the room to hug me. “SCOTT RICHARD HOYING IF YOU ARE FUCKING WITH ME I SWEAR I WILL LEAVE YOU FOREVER. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I’M SO PROUD OF US.”

I chuckled and buried my nose in the crook of his neck. “This is gonna be so big for us, and I love you too.”

February 2015

 I thought I had done so many nerve-wracking things in my life. Sure, I had been nervous when they announced the winners of The Sing Off, and coming out to Mitch and my family had been hard as hell, even announcing the nominees for the Grammys had been a horrible experience. Apparently I was wrong all those times, because the unsettling feeling in my stomach has been here for several days, and I don’t think it would go away anytime soon. I could tell Mitch was taking the nerves pretty badly too. He had been on edge the past week, becoming easily startled and always zoning out, lost in his thoughts.

We had decided that we would have a sort of spa day to pamper ourselves and relax before getting pretty for the awards. He didn’t want me to see him until he was completely ready to leave, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to take as many quick peeks at him with a face mask and cucumbers over his eyes while I could see his beautiful face. After the timer went off for him to wash his face, he pecked me on the cheek and dashed off to his room squealing “no looking” as he closed the door.

I trudged into my room and started to get ready. Styling my hair and then pulling on the suit Kirstie had picked out for me. Then I went and sat on the couch, waiting for Mitch to finish getting ready. It took him another ten minutes to come out of his room, but when he did, boy, did he make an entrance. He strutted out of his room to show of how flawless he looked in a perfectly tailored navy blue suit. He came over to me and grabbed my hands, pulling me off the couch. He wrapped his arms around my neck and whispered in my ear. “Whatever happens tonight, I’m proud of us.”

Two hours later, they had met up with the others, been speechless from seeing Kirstie wearing a ball gown, and shed a few tears before walking the carpet. Now the five of them were seated with everyone’s various plus ones, including Kevin’s mom, Ester and Ben. Everyone was engaged in mindless chatter, stunned by all the stars in the room and all the sheer excitement of actually being at the fucking Grammys.

 I was cut off midsentence as the lights dimmed, signaling the start of the show.

The night whizzed by like a speeding train. I hardly remembered anything that happened during the show, since all I was focusing on was Mitch. His laugh and eyes full of wonder calmed me down, and every time I would grip his hand a little too hard, he would stroke my wrist with his thumb, a habit the two of us had picked up during our Sing Off days. It made me emotional to think about how just three years ago the most stressful thing we had to think about was whether our arrangement was good enough to bring us to the next week of competition. Now we were all holding each other’s hands, just like when we started out, while we waited for our name to be called.

I think my heart nearly stopped when the announcer began to open the golden envelope that could change our lives forever. “And the winner is….. PENTATONIX with their Daft Punk arrangement!”

I Jumped up from my seat and hugged Mitch, probably crushing his ribs. As I looked around, everyone was had tears in their eyes. I hugged Kirstie before we walked up to the stage, pulling Avi away from his date, Viktoria. Ben ended up speaking first, thanking everyone that was included in the technicalities of the arrangement, before he passed the mic to me.

“To start off, I would like to thank not only my and the other members’ families, but also the group themselves. Without you four, my second family, there is no way I would be the same person I am today. It’s still crazy to think that I’m following my dreams with my best friends by my side, and that our video we made in a kitchen won a Grammy, thank you guys so much I wouldn’t know what to do without you.”

Then we all walked off stage with tears in our eyes, feeling the most fulfilled we ever had. 

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