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 A/N Dedicated to LilyCoco8

Mitch awoke to a loud crash ringing throughout his apartment.

Oh no, he thought, rolling over to check the time. What on earth is he doing up? It’s 3 am. I swear that boy is nocturnal sometimes.

Sighing, he pulled on a sweater and ventured out of his bedroom towards the source of the crash, just to make sure Scott didn’t hurt himself in his most-likely-drunken stupor. Mitch tiptoed into the kitchen to find Scott kneeling on the floor, cleaning up a spilled bag of flour.

“Scott?” Mitch questioned, unsure of what the actual hell his best friend was doing. Was he... baking? At 3 in the morning?

“Mitch!” Scott snapped his head up, looking at Mitch with wide eyes as a scarlet flush crept up his neck. “Um, I can maybe explain? Actually no, nevermind. You’ll find out tomorrow. Good night.” He got off the floor and grabbed Mitch’s shoulders, turning the small man towards the door and ushering him out of the kitchen, but Mitch dug his heels into the cold tile. Folding his arms over his chest, he spun back around to face Scott.

“Now why on earth are you being so secretive about some spilled flour? Are you baking for someone? Or are you just drunk and hungry?”

Scott grinned from ear to ear and placed a hand over his chest before speaking. “I swear on my mother’s life that I am not drunk. I am hungry though, so if you’ve come to offer me food you’re welcome to stay and cook me something. If not, out! You’re not getting any more answers until tomorrow morning!”

Mitch knelt next to the floor and picked up the dustpan Scott had previously been using. “Alright!” he exclaimed. “I’ll leave once I help you clean up the flour. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and fall when trying to get a cup of coffee.”

Shockingly, Scott let him clean, leaning against the counter before jumping to sit on the counter. The tall man was unable to sit still, constantly fidgeting. I wonder what’s on his mind. He’s definitely baking for someone. Who though? It wasn’t anyone’s birthday soon, and it wasn’t a holiday –

“Stop thinking, you know I can practically read your mind. If you really want to know, I’ll tell you.” He heard Scott say from the counter.   Sitting up to face his best friend, he gestured for him to continue.

The silence was so intense that time seemed to slow down; Mitch could see the beads of sweat from working that had soaked the shirt of the golden haired boy, the subtle trembling of his fingers, and the shallow intake of breath before he blurted out what was really on my mind.


What? “Yeah, Sandra? You’re definitely going to repeat that for me. Didn’t catch a single word.”

Scott closed his eyes and began to speak, his voice hardly louder than a whisper. “I wanted to do something nice for you, so I was making you some muffins for breakfast. I know you’ll only eat gluten free though so when I realized I had the wrong ingredients I accidentally knocked the container over and woke you up. I’m sorry. I just wanted to do something nice for you since you always do really sweet things for me and I fucked up. I’m sorry, just go back to bed.”

When he was done speaking, he couldn’t even look at Mitch, he was so ashamed. He had expected Mitch would yell at him for being loud so early in the morning, or just leave and deal with it in the morning. What he didn’t expect was for Mitch to wrap his tiny arms around his waist and rest his head against his shoulder.

“Honey,” Mitch’s voice was barely audible. “Don’t you ever think that you have to do anything for me. Ever. Got it?”

Scott nodded reluctantly and opened his mouth to speak before he was interrupted.

“Shh! Time for you to go to sleep, we’ll deal with the mess in the kitchen tomorrow morning, alright?”

“Alright.” Scott agreed. “I’m still making you breakfast though. I love you.”

“I love you too” Mitch whispered, watching his roommate disappear into his room for a good nights’ sleep. “And don’t you ever forget it.”

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