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A/N Fun game: anytime something cheesy happens take a shot. Let me know if you make it out alive.

"Well, don't you look beautiful!" Scott said, walking out of the hotel bathroom. His hair was slightly out of place, and the necktie that hung loose around his neck matched his eyes. He stopped in front of one of the grotesquely large mirrors to preen his ruffled feathers. Once he was certain everything was exactly where it should be, he started to fiddle with his tie.

"Don't you know it babe," I cooed, pulled from my trance. "I can't believe you're not ready yet. If we're late I swear to god Lia will rip your head off."

"She will not, you know she loves me too much. She will curse so much that every mother in a 50 mile radius will cover their children's ears though." He sighed, going back to fiddling with his tie.

"Babe, stop." I reached out to stop him from making even more of a mess than he already had. "Let me."

I took the piece of blue silk between my hands and tied it into a knot, straightening it out so it would sit perfectly with his collar.

"Thanks." He smiled sheepishly. "Remind me to get a clip on tie next time, okay?"

"I think I'd rather conveniently 'forget'." I leaned forward, standing on my tiptoes and brushing our lips together ever so lightly. "Time to go."

"Ugh," he groaned. "I wish we could stay here forever."

"Don't lie to me Hoying! You've wanted Sarah and Lia to get married since they started dating in high school." I huffed. "There's no way in the world you would miss this."

"You're not wrong." He took the hotel room key from the nightstand and slipped it into his pocket, taking my hand in his. "Let's crash this wedding."


The hall was decorated beautifully. Pale pink flowers littered the aisle, and I could just imagine how lovely they'd look with Lia's hair. Scott and I took our seats in the second row, anxious for the ceremony to start. We made small talk with the guests around us, until soft music filled the hall. We all turned around to see Sarah walk down the hall, unaccompanied like the independent woman she was.

The two girls had decided they didn't want anyone to be a part of their wedding besides each other, which was honestly the cutest thing I've ever heard. It brought all the focus onto them and the love they shared.

As Sarah passed by us, she shot us a wink, and I caught a glimpse at how beautiful she was. Her blonde hair flowed off her shoulders, and she was glowing from within, her smile lighting up her entire face. I couldn't help myself and caught myself grinning at the mere sight of her.

In my peripheral vision I saw Scott was looking at me, but I elbowed him in the rib so he would focus on the wedding taking place. He turned back to watch Sarah reach the altar, but not before kissing my temple.

Scott, and everyone else, turned back to the double doors to watch Lia arrive, but I kept my eyes on Sarah, watching her expression change as she saw the love of her life for the first time on their wedding day. Her smile should've already been splitting her face in two, but when Lia entered, I swear she became at least ten times happier. Her eyes were tearing up, and I could hear Lia rushing to get down the aisle as fast as possible. She scurried up to the alter to take Sarah's hands in hers, and the look they shared melted my frozen heart.

It was as if the world had stopped, and everyone in the room no longer existed. They were so wrapped up in the other's eyes that I'm sure it would've taken a crowbar to pry them away from each other. They only looked away when the wedding officiator cleared his throat from behind them.

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