Say Yes

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Friday, June 26th 2015

Mitch rolled out of bed at 11 am. Usually, he would have woken up to an alarm, but today the band had a day off and he was not going to miss catching up on his sleep. What surprised him though, was that the other side of the bed was empty.

He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and padded into the kitchen, eager to investigate the situation.

He saw Scott's back turned to him, obviously fussing with something on the counter.

"'Morning," Mitch mumbled, his voice still quiet from having just woken up. Scott whipped around at the sound of Mitch's voice, the coffee in his hands sloshing out of the cup and dripping down his hands. He didn't seem to notice, though.

"Wow! Looks like someone is finally done hibernating!" he said cheerfully, wearing his signature goofy grin.

"Very funny." Mitch groaned, stepping around Scott to take a seat at the table. "How long have you been up, anyways? And why are you so giddy?"

"Oh, I woke up at like 8:30. Mom called, she wants us to go home next week." He shrugged.

"Why? Doesn't she know that we have a packed work schedule next week?" Mitch was surprised Connie would ask so much of them. She was always supportive of them not being able to come home because they worked so hard, so her asking for them to come home while they were in the process of finalising an album was extremely out of character.

"I know we're busy, but I talked to Esther and Jonathan and Kevin this morning, and they said the two of us should be able to go home. Most of the work can be put on hold for a little while. I mean, we don't have a release date yet, unless you count 'soon', but that's pretty undefinable. We deserve a break, don't you think?" Scott looked up at Mitch, his eyes big and pleading like a child asking his mother for permission.

"Scott, why do you want to go home so bad? I'm missing something here." Mitch asked, confusion written all over his face. Scott got excited about a lot of things, anything from finishing a new track to finding out Lucky Charms are on sale at the grocery store, so his kid-in-a-candy-store behaviour could mean literally anything.

"Mitch?" Scott asked tentatively, putting down his drink. "I didn't tell you the good news yet, did I?"

He shook his head, eyebrows kitting themselves together in even more confusion. Scott just knelt down in front of him, taking one of his hands. Scott's eyes were welling up with tears threatening to overflow.

"This morning the state passed a bill. The bill. We can get married now, Mitchie." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, pressing Mitch's knuckles to his lips. "I know I always told you I wanted a big white wedding with hundreds of guests, but I've been thinking a lot about that lately. The only person I need to see on my wedding day is you. I want to go home and marry you in our hometown. Please, I want to marry you."

Mitch's jaw had dropped open in surprise while Scott spoke. Of all things he had expected to hear this morning, Scott asking to marry him hadn't been one of them. He was stunned and speechless. All he could do was look down at Scott kneeling in front of them.

Both boys' cheeks were covered in tears as they took in the moment. Scott's eyes were squeezed shut as Mitch felt him murmur something against his skin.

"Please say yes. Please, please, say yes." He whispered, keeping his eyes glued to the floor beneath him.

Mitch held Scott's face, his fingers wiping away the salty tears.


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