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"who could it be?" Jennie asked as she walked into the woods late at night. in her hand she had a piece of paper that she found early at morning placed before her door. she didn't know who left it there, but the person made sure to convince her following the rules.

{there're things you don't know, meet me in the woods alone at midnight... it's important}

she has received similar letters two times in the past; one had her parents' names on it and the other was something related to her grandfather. but none of those times she met with the person, nor could find out anything related to her family. "i swear if it's fake again" she tightened her fists looking around.

the place wasn't new. she had come round with taehyung many times to chop some wood, and she had walked to sit on a log where taehyung had left the axe close to it. the owls hoot in distance, the water channel run past behind her. it was all nature's sound until she heard the approaching steps of a person. heavy it sounded as the leafs and sticks cracked under, she could tell it was a man by his silhouette when he stood in the dark while she was under the moonlight.

"who is there?... identify yourself," she shouted as she took small steps towards him.

he didn't seem to run away this time like their previous encounters, but the more she walked to him the more his outline sharpened. "we meet again here" he spoke, and his voice hit her like a rock. "w-who-" before she speaks he exposes himself to the light and suddenly everything feels wrong yet complete.

"have you been good, jennie-ah?" a gentle smile squeezed his eyes into crescents, and to that she walked backwards "jungkook!... what are you doing here?" she looked around again panicking.

"you must leave... they shouldn't see anyone with me-" she tends to go far from him thinking it was a coincidence but he stopped her holding her hand "i know it's disappointing, but i'm the one who sent you that letter."

she darted her eyes back to him. frowning as she yanked away "i don't see him keeping his promise to me!... how could he send you out alone at this time?" she was dull about everything he said "he wanted to visit an old friend of his, he doesn't know i'm here- wait!... why am i even speaking with you?" she turned and walked away this time. cursing under her breath how much she hated this night.

"but you haven't heard me yet!... don't you want to know why i called you here?" she stopped and sighed. with a sharp glare she eyed him up and down before snorting "and what could you possibly tell me that might be interesting?"

"is that annoyance i hear?... ouch! if i knew you hate me this much i would have sent another person on my behalf" he kicked a small rock while saying so.

"i wasted time coming here, so at least say what you have quickly so i leave sooner" she crossed her arms staring at far.

"sit down first... it hasn't been long since you recovered" he pointed to where she was sitting before, but since it was close to where he stood now she refused to move a muscle "now you care?" she snorted.

"i love you" he whispered to himself smiling at her, "what?" but he shook his head wanting to keep it for himself tonight... again.

"you know that lacking empathy makes everything hard on a person who tends to apologize?" he looked down "so?" she frowned, "so now... i don't know where to begin," and that took her by surprise.

"you want to apologize?" she asked, and his lack of response said everything. "what for?" she grew anxious if he will bring their past up, or if he will carelessly cut her wounds again... but what he came here for never ever crossed her mind.

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