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The full three days of the funeral rites took place. still the pain of losing him managed to make it through, as if it never wanted to be one of those bygone.

she was kneeling in front of the little mound, where his body laid under peacefully. she had no sympathy to her clothes that got soaked in the damp muddy ground. her tears dropped off of her dejected eyes, and would have been mistaken with the raindrops that mourned with her.

she didn't know about how nature would work, and how the chances of having him back would be so impossible. but all she knew was that he should've been there by her side smiling to the grey cloud's anger, or laugh near her when she makes a mistake out of foolishness. either ways he should have stayed with her through the nostalgia to the days in their past.

her hands caught a fist of her skirt, thus she bit into her lower lip impersonating the wrath they created in her. and the only guy who was small steps behind her could feel the agony blooming into something else.

he was soaked under the rain standing straight with eyes fixed on the back of her head. he had wished to see her showing her pain by speaking or yelling, but all he got was a silenced war going inside her.

he took the steps at last, and put a hand of comfort on her parallel shoulders. thinking it would make her give up, but he sure didn't know her fully yet.

"it's okay to cry- do not feel burden by me standing here. you can imagine me gone, and i wouldn't ever judge you for it" Taehyung whispered followed by a thunder cry.

she squinted her eyes before closing them tight. reaching towards his hand on her shoulder she held it tight, but he wasn't surprised when she pushed it away. "don't misunderstand me with the weak girl of that day, there are many things to do rather to sit and c-cry"

her voice cracked, and she stood up looking at the mound in such intense way, that one would think she found a diamond in a room of rubies. it continued for some seconds, before she turned to him. who never had plans to move away from her path.

that single tear on her cheek he could define from the raindrops. was the last one he witnessed through the weeks passing by. for the weather to get calmer, and her more isolated than before.

he was sat outside looking at the bright sky in silence. despite the thick snow the day was calm, and the villagers were up to work. he could see them from far walking through the roads, preparing for their winter solstice festival.

they all looked happy from there. as if they didn't ruin the only life of a girl who locked herself in her room, and wouldn't come out unless it's necessary. he looked over his shoulder at her door, it was dead silent, and he guessed she may be sleeping. since she newly got home from her daily visit to hwanjoon's grave.

"aigoo! aigoo my back" a voice came across his hearing, and in the instant he stood up turning to the opened gate. there he saw the old woman panting, carrying a heavy pot over her back walking inside their residence.

"ah! you came again!" he was quick to approach her, and help her put everything down. as soon as she sat down exhaustedly. she removed the coat over her head, and pulled the black mask off her face.

"at least be thankful- nasty guy" the ahjuma scolded slapping his arm. he just rolled his eyes crossing his arms below his chest. he didn't seem to care about age differences, which made the older glare at his smirky face.

Jennie pushed the door, and came outside after recognizing the older's voice. "ahjuma! you're here!" she climbed down the small stairs to approach her, and just then the older took her into her arms for a comforting hug.

The DollMaker ❥जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें