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In the core of the forest where nature was privileged stood the vacant guy watching over the brimful girl in silence. she was sitting on a log of a tree all by herself only aware of her emotions that tangled up to a point she couldn't grasp them. she uplifts her head gently and let the light and shadows dance on her skin. closing her eyes to the birds chirping in distance. there was pain to his last words and longing to his absence but as if with his leave the box of her being was taken and now she just existed without the ability to feel anything.

his smile when he found her safe and sound was gone with the warm breeze a while ago now he was concerned if he stepped in and just ruined it all over again. because for her a week never used to be enough to get over things, but now it was just a day later and all she did was to sit blankly watching the moments passing by. there wasn't even a tear left for him to wipe out and the inability to understand the voidness in her chest numbed him from any of the choices he made one after another.

he saw her smiling softly to a butterfly that flew from a flower to the other but it wasn't enough to beam through her eyes, she inhaled deeply to fill in the gap and he at last found the courage to step in and say, "you evil girl ran away from your responsibilities to enjoy the time all alone?"

she didn't have to look to recognize him she kept her back to him when she replied emotionlessly "evil!.. i guess so." later her eyes shifted from the ferns around her to him who walked steadily towards her "then can i join you?" he asked unsurely.

she had nodded her head couple of times before closing her eyes once again listening to her heart that pulsed frailly. "it took me a while to find you but now that i did i am amazed by the place you chose to be at," he muttered smiling. never he thought a serene place like it will exist in the scary forest.

"can we make this our secret place?" she asked more like a demand as if she wanted it to be theirs, so to forget the places she shared with the inveigler man whom broke her heart. Taehyung smiled in acceptance and took a deep breath of the wet earthy smell of the woods.

"you can tell them to me, I'm a good secret keeper as you know" he said this time more firmly and she could feel it in his voice how badly he wanted to understand her, nonetheless; all she gave with a weak smile was a short reply "i have nothing to say"

he bent over, resting his arms on his lap, fixing his eyes on her dirty shoes "but this is not the Jennie i know, so either be the naughty girl or let me help you be her again" she found him brave to be the clueless one yet giving choices, however; she left him curious as she chose silence on her own.

he knew she wouldn't give in that soon, suddenly he muttered "have you ever thought why you're born just to die later?" to his surprise she nodded instantly. "but when i realized i have no purpose its fear crawled in me and I've never dared to think it again," she confessed, "what about you?" she got engaged with the topic as she sought to forget about herself for a while.

he looked unsure, and it showed when he looked away "i owe someone with something i don't know, i can replay my life over and over but that part is just a blur that i can't seem to clear" she frowned and sat crisscrossed looking interested, "was that someone your parents? a friend!" he chuckled "i never had any parents, and you're my only friend" he gazed into her eyes and the uncertainty of her feelings reflected back.

"someone used to be my only friend too, even more but-" she halted to breathe brokenly hiding her tearful eyes from him, "for you i might not be the only one, but you are to me," he added trying to convince her that she can trust him, but her chest tightened and nothing was ready to leave her mouth without a sob.

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