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The gathered people looked hurt. The amount of sleepless night they spent in fear of the unknown, of their unprotected destiny has created a wrath in each of their hearts. they were tired, they wanted their peaceful life back but figured that is impossible as long as the bloodline of the wizard and of the greedy sage is still running around. jungkook grew worried as he could read their emotions through their eyes but taehyung who was clueless only wanted more blood to be shed because that was his purpose. to revenge. to kill whom was a threat on Jennie that was dearest to hwanjoon.

"you see, hwanjoon never cared about any of your opinions. he never gave up on me, and if you say he died for me and so would i. one purpose was why he created me and it was to protect her from you," and that made the headman snort when he looked at Jennie pathetically, "that was until i met her-" he said looking down at his hands that curled into a tight fist "-and now my purpose is revenge for her" and that somehow removed the mischievousness across the headman's expression and made jennie even more hurt.

he never lied when he said he will protect her because just now he was standing there fearlessly ready to go against so many people just for her. and never he lied about caring for her, because somehow she was why he was there that in a way or another made jennie scared.

"it was easier for you to just die, wasn't it choi daewon?" jungkook added bringing his sword out pushing Jennie behind him, "i have lord sangguk's last will" he chuckled "he only owed her and i'm here to fulfill that" he cracked his neck playing with his sword that suddenly got every armed guard to stand in front of them like shields facing the villagers and the man who wanted taehyung's power.

"we will see."

and to that the both sides met in the middle in a wrathful fight with rustling of swords along the mighty thunders in the sky. The fight lasted for awhile, and when it was starting to lessen the numbers of the survivors jungkook stood panting amid a welter of dead bodies and bloody weapons. he was a human at the end whose strength had limits, unlike taehyung who ripped heads and hearts off of the livings unrested.

he took a little time to remind himself taehyung is just a creation of a man with a beating heart locked in a box. there was no way she will be hurt as long as taehyung was around, until he turned to see Jennie struggling to free from some men that wanted to obey their master and finish her life there. he ran to her and kicked one down with his sword cutting through the other's chest without a second thought.

he held her on the ground carefully caressing on her head "you okay?" she wasn't, and that showed through her terrified expression of what was going on around them "i w-want it to stop" she pleaded but unfortunately everything was out of his control.

"take her away" ahjumma suddenly appeared with blood stain all over her body, the tired woman was just as terrified and knew such scenes weren't so pleasing for the ladies like them, "i'm n-not leaving tae-" "just go, he still got something to do" and when they looked at him hovering over the physician, doctor Kang, who was one of the men that set hwanjoon up, sending punches after punches to his now broken face meant he was taking revenge slowly but unmistakably.

"she is right. it's not safe. come on, he will find you on his own" jungkook dropped his sword and instead grabbed her hand taking her with him running to the forest where danger will be away from her.

While Choi Daewon saw how taehyung ripped doctor Kang's head off so effortlessly, he figured if he stayed his turn will come as well, thus he picked his pace and carried his injured son up in fear "we must leave... now daeho-ah!" and they turned to the other direction quickly to get themselves disappear in the woods as well but got startled when they saw the inhuman beast right in front of them.

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