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Those memories of how it happened returned to disturb him from the drowse he was forced to live in. his head begun to spin at the time the thought of jennie in pain struck him, and to his blindfolded eyes he woke up startled.

his sore neck that hunched for many hours ached within the uplift of his heavy head, and it only made it fall back to the front muffling her name.

just as his consciousness was back he begun to fight against the tight ropes that tied him, somewhere in an old barn that smelled like wet hay and animal dirt of ages ago. "jennie-ah!!" he yelled when he gave in to the sitting position the men left him in, he was afraid they have tricked him and harmed her too..

he was relieved when the old wooden gate creaked open by the masked men, just their steps were enough to agitate him. "what do you want?" he asked sternly following the noises they made around him with his head.

after a command from the leader, the cloth was removed from his eyes, and the intensity of the torches they held hurt his eyes that he quickly shut them tight.

"let me go if you don't have anything to say" he heavily spoke after minutes of silence.

"go on boys" and then looked up at the leader who's eyes held promises of pain. his hatred to the same man who dared to hurt her increased through their locked glares.

"bastard" he yelled wrathfully only to get punched by one of the guards followed by the rest. but none of it was as painful as the thought of leaving jennie with no care on the ground.

he kicked one of the men in leg that caused him to stumble.. "just loose the ropes if you dare" he yelled again with darkened eyes.

he indeed was a man who knew no pain, no fear, and no worry for his own. his only wish was to have his tightened fists free to end the life of everyone there mercilessly.

he hated how his mind brought so many possibilities of jennie in pain, and it only made him angrier when they didn't say a word back to him and hit him.

"make sure he is dead, then leave him to rotten" said the leader before turning his back on him.

taehyung laughed hysterically shaking his head, glaring at the back of his head as if his eyes could physically hurt him. "don't be so happy commander! i will find you,.. and make you wish you were never born"

"maybe in your next life, if the heavens were nice enough to give you one" said the confident man with a smirk stepping out the old barn.

that was taehyung's promise before they covered his head, and proceed to torture him like how they were told to do.


there was a silence that she fell into, but also disturbed him. her heart sipped all the rushing feelings to somewhere she couldn't find, just like how the darkness sucked in all the living colors of nightfall. nothing made sense but the sudden chill in her blood, and the rumbling voices in her head.

he stood close, yet it felt so far as she couldn't imagine him this grown. he had the norigae in his hand making her wonder where did he got it, but to think it always belonged to him the next second.. "is there a reason explaining why i found this left somewhere far from you?"

that moment he talked, her stillness confused him. the wind no longer blew hence her flying hair strands fell back on her shoulders. but he smiled and it was brighter than the moonlight that hit. she at last blinked and in that absolute silence she heard her heart coming back to live.. "y-you!.."

he chuckled and walked closer leaving a step in between. there was no way he could describe how he felt that moment. it almost was like jumping on cloud nine but something was missing. something in her sparkly eyes no longer seemed familiar, as if the lively soul was taken out. her stares weren't as effected as when she was a kid and had crush on him.

The DollMaker ❥Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon