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The soft drops were only rain until they touched the sea, where they merged with the briny blue, moving as one with the waves. She assumed starlight to be similar, shining as scattered beads of beautiful light until the sun makes it back and all will be reunited again. she hoped she could do the same with the man she hasn't seen in which continued for almost five decades.

the captain of the ship yelled "aye! we're close, throw the lines" and as the crew started to tie the ropes Jennie's heart fastened and grabbed onto her guardian for support. "my lady are you alright?" she didn't reply but quickly made her way out to see the beautiful dock, the warm soft sand, and there! was the cliff she could see her younger self-playing around. she smiled and stepped out of the ship with a hopeful heart "i'm home!"

she walked through the narrow alleyways, eyes on the many redecorated houses and the crowdy bazaar. everything was the same but at the same time different. the people were nicer, but the memories still painful, they all were smiling and helping each other that was strange for the outcast girl to be called "beautiful lady! have you considered buying the best fragrance?" she smiled and turned to the other woman who called out for her "i will give you a soft blush powder... it's made with magic" she winked.

the village was back at it's peaceful Era. after the leave of the Jeon's the king has sent a new clan to rule and take care of Golden-Leaves, and it was worth it. there were no crimes, no hate, and especially no greed whatsoever. it was almost as if that bloody night has been forgotten totally. as if the people never went through such terrible years and months of agony and wrath. someone must have hidden the dead bodies because none of them were found when The Lee's stepped on the land to rule, and whoever survived that specific night had a totally different memory of what really happened to their loved ones. as if somehow they all were enchanted by a pure magic... Taehyung!

she halted resting the flat of her hand over her fast beating heart only to find herself standing in front of the small eatery she used to work in. "Boreum's" she smiled reading the name on the hanging board people pushed to rush inside and so did she to see a change of decoration and smell of a nice soup being cooked.

"hello and welcome to boreum's... please have a seat in one of our cozy chambers while we will serve you the nicest soups you ever tasted," said a kid guiding her inside. she sat and didn't wait for long until the door opened with a servant carrying many bowls of different soups.

"enjoy your lunch" she smiled but before she left Jennie held her wrist startling the younger "i have something to ask" and she gained the full attention of the servant "it's been awhile since the last time i came here, i hope you don't mind answering some questions i have" and the girl smiled shaking her head.

she walked around all day going to every place she recalled but spent the entire night staring at the starlit sky with a giddy heart for her home she didn't dare to step close.

she found out Lady Boreum has passed away from the servant, the cheerful ahjumma spent ten years after the incident only to die due to a rare disease spreading. she visited her grave to pay respect to her and her family as well after awhile she found out that the people of Golden-Leaves considered Hwanjoon to be a powerful sage that once lived among them. they believed now if you visited his grave daily for a week a wish of you will be granted. Hwanjoon wasn't the reason to their fears anymore, he was now considered to be a savior instead. and it reminded her of someone... Taehyung!

after staying there for a week, settling in a small renting chamber of a nice lady. Jennie kept thinking about the ways she might find him, will she be happy or sad, wether to hug him after all these years or if he will hate her for thinking she might have forgotten about him. at last when she stood below the hill, she had memories flashing back. seeing herself chasing butterflies for kisses, racing with jungkook to the trees making herself smile. she saw hwanjoon who was sat there somewhere in the middle of the flowers braiding her long ebony hair with flowers all over. she grew up to be an independent woman, working in the eatery with boreum at daytime and doing house chores with her grandfather at nighttime. those were memories to be cherished.

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