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The next day was much worse for Jennie. like how a devourer shrew, paralyzes it's prey to a slow and painful death. regret of what she has done to herself has numbed her ever since. she wished there would be a way to turn back time and change her path, but it wasn't possible. thus karma got her in his ignorant manner, and the pain in her body.

she was sat on the bench outside, holding onto her injured hand carefully. she could hear Taehyung scolding ahjumma for paying for her treatment without his knowledge, but she always managed to do others favor for her own good. thus heard the poor guy promising to come by everyday and help her with anything she wanted, as a repay for the money he didn't have then.

she looked up at certain small clouds above their heads. the sun wasn't up yet, as it hid itself behind the hills and mountains from far, but it's glow managed to push some colors out to the starlit sky. everyone were asleep unlike them, who had planned to go home early to not be seen after the chaotic night they created.

"ready to leave?" his deep honey voice startled her, thus her eyes shifted to his dull ones. she nodded, and with his help she stood on her tired legs. he threw his coat over her head and shoulders leaving hisself uncovered to the cool breeze.

"won't you get sick?" she asked in worry, but he had left her side to approach the ahjumma who held a small pot of soup made for Jennie. at last she gave up, and decided to follow behind him without asking.

the woman didn't scold her when she approached, despite the fact jennie could see anger in her eyes. she bowed in gratitude for taking care of her, and apologized for keeping her awake the whole night trying to stop her pain after the doctor left.

"we will leave now, rest well" Taehyung bowed in respect, before placing his hand on Jennie's back. "take care of her, agreed?" she patted Jennie's shoulder twice, before letting Taehyung walk her out the small eatery.


she kept stealing glances at him who walked beside her silently. she was amazed how he did not utter a word with her, even though he was awake the whole night watching over her. even with torment in his words she preferred to hear them, rather this silence he punished her with.

the breeze went harsh for a minute, and to it's coldness she stopped in her track hugging herself. Taehyung saw it, and didn't hesitate to stand in front of her to shield her from it. her eyes opened to a doleful look, but he refused to witness it, as he pulled the sides of the coat close to save her from the upcoming ones.

just as the wind cooed down, she sighed and walked swiftly to catch up with him. but the feeling of his arm wrapping around her shoulders took her by surprise. "stay near if you feel cold" he said, she smiled to herself nodding her head to him. before skipping closer, where her head would fondle to his chest side, and their steps to match.

with each footfall further into the wind-whispering road. the scenes of him running and carrying her around summoned her. it was painful to recall but she couldn't stop them from barging into her thoughts. she squeezed her eyes shut trying to erase them, but to a familiar voice her eyes shot open in fearfulness.

"what are you doing outside in such early time of day?" asked the roundsman who wasn't familiar with Taehyung's face. her eyes widened.

she had punched his face too many times, hence now was easy to recognize him. "i expect an answer when i care to ask something" he snorted.

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