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A calm serene morning has unfold. the clouds, and the vibrant hues of purples and oranges reflected on the water below, resembling floating embers. but the breeze that shook the leaves falling was rather cool than hot, and with such impressive beauty the early days of autumn has arrived.

the slaves were told to be gathered in the central area to discuss their raises, and their new jobs for the rest of the season. unlike other months hwanjoon hated to wake up in autumn. the lively nature he cherished was dissolving more into a graveyard for the dead leaves. and to top it all his granddaughter wasn't there to prepare his lunch box like she did before.

he stood by their rusty gate looking back at her muted soul, which rested inside her room. he looked ahead, and his eyes fixed upon the one hanok house, that it's design and color could define it from the rest. his fingers rolled into a fist, hating the incidents of his past rewriting themselves in his present. he started walking down the hillside with the idea of visiting one of his old friends on the way back.

"ahh~" Jennie hissed in pain, after being bitten by bugs. she covered her face with her hands, before running away from the bushes, and took the trail up to the mound nearby. she was supposed to be asleep like how hwanjoon expected, but she wouldn't be able, after knowing her friend will be gone forever.

she hid behind a tall tree close to the cliff, watching the crowded wooden dock from distance. the ship was visible to her, and so were the people getting on board.

she hugged the tree trunk with her small arms that her fingers couldn't reach one another due to the largeness of it, with her tears pouring down unstoppably. she couldn't accept the truths that it all happened, because of her stupid wish to join a festival, when she could do so much more than that.

one noble lady said her farewell to the slaves that worked for them for years, despite her blurry vision she still admired the beauty of his mother being respectful to her housemaids, she was soon followed by his father talking with some other noble men smiling. out of all she expected to see him going too being an adult trapped in his small figure, until a voice startled her behind.. "am i really worthy of your tears?"

she turned to her back, and found him looking as handsome as ever smiling to her, having his hands clasped behind his back. Jungkook tilted his head, piercing his gaze into her for being so surprised upon his presence. all along she ran to him, and ever sincerely she enveloped him in her arms. he was pushed back a little due to her force, but eventually his amazed facial expression has dissolved into a smile and a return of hugging her.

she pulled away first, and out of excitement she wiped her tears asking "how did you know I'm here?". he smirked, and like any time before his proud face appeared to annoy her, "i wondered why there was a pig going behind those trees, but i found you" she slapped his arm, and he glared at her in return.

within that intense glare they both cracked up laughing for good minutes. "actually i saw you coming here, after i returned from your house" he confessed, and she was taken by surprise. "you went to our house?" he nodded, before sitting down on the mound looking ahead at the endless crusty field.

she followed, and sat beside him admiring the cloudy sky, and the calm town from far. "is it because of me that you leave?" she asked unknowingly, but feeling his eyes on her side face she smiled a little looking back at him.

he shook his head ruffling her messy hair, "my grandfather got promoted to serve the king along with my dad, therefore; we also must move to the capital with them" he corrected her, and somehow her heart went at ease.

she looked down at her dirty shoes a smile arose replacing her pout. he licked his dry lips wet, before continuing nervously, "no need to feel guilty, even if we weren't caught we would off have left" he lied a little, but was glad she didn't catch it.

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