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She was standing paralyzed across of him, like a reflection to her in a mirror. they didn't exchange any phrases, just like how she couldn't find a word to tell him. he was standing close to her, but when she extended her arm to hold him, they were a canyon apart.

his wrinkled eyes formed a fine line, his sagged cheeks once again pushed upwards, and there he smiled brightly signifying purity of his love. she cried, but also wanted to overdo it. her tears dropped in the voidness between them, and with each she felt more difficult to bring him back.

«you'll find me close to you, whenever you would be needing me»

her teary eyes opened in bloodshot red, her heart pounded inside her ribs as if to break them, her sore body was in a huge pain, yet she stayed laying on the sheets numbly. the blurry vision of her made her wonder where was she, until the smell of home filled her nasal cavities. she was in such silence that she could hear the strong wind of the snowy night outside her chamber.

'shh~' she was telling herself, not that the mare in her dream followed her out, but because she wanted to believe that hwanjoon was sleeping in the room beside her. his sleeps were easy to be disturbed, and she never wished to wake him up that way.

slowly as her system normalized, her heart ached. it was easy for her to give herself hopes, hence now created a gloomy pond of neglect in her soul. but this time she wasn't able to erase that scene off her mind. she hugged her numb legs tight crying the tears of blood that weakened her heart.

she found it unfair, how every memory of him she had were suddenly playing in her mind. she slowly stood on her trembling feet, only to fall once again out of uneasiness. she crawled to the sliding door, making her way out of the silent gale inside her to the storm outside, just to sooth her own.

she stood in the snow her hair in a mess being played by the wind, there was no light around, but she could see how the policemen created a mess in their house, when searching for illusory evidences. the pots they made food in it, the bowls he was eating in it, even his lunch box that she adored were now crashed into unmatched pieces.

but her face showed no feelings, as if her heart was no longer of a human, but to a corpse that somehow was alive. her feet took her down the white hill, where she used to play around in it. she could hear her own laughter playing in the back of her mind, but if ever she would meet that same little girl, she would deny to have similar future growing up.

her pale face reddened, as her eyes fought against the wind to be open. her dry lips trembled just like her hands by her sides, but yet her inside was caught on a fire that wouldn't be easy to turn it off. she was recalling everything about him, that didn't have time to notice she was walking wearing only the white undergarment of her hanbok dress.

her soaked socks crashed every frost on her way, as she walked the road she took just tonight in tears. now her tears were dry, and wasn't as scared as she was then, because now she lost what she was fighting for to save it. the central area was vacant, the flame torches were off, the footsteps of the people were refilled with snow, but the redness of hwanjoon's blood was still vivid to her eyes.

she dropped her body on her knees, as her hands hug the red snow that still kept the memories of him. her frosty lashes fanned, as she blinked her warm tears out, and her arms hugged the ground where he was resting on it soullessly. "i h-haven't made a wish yet grandpa-" suddenly the thunders begun to shrill, and soft raindrops attempt to melt the snow.

she rest her head on her arm looking at his blood that left stains on her clothes, she smiled warmly closing her eyes that were forced by the rain "i y-yearn for your return-".. "-don't leave me here, it-it's cold" she breathed the last words shivering slowly.

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