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You know it, when the night and day combines in a beautiful mix of color, and the blazing bride of nature shyly peeking from the underworld to spread its glow across the sky. dawn has arrived.

within the sounds of the wooden door opening, the little one looked over her shoulder seeing her grandfather slowly climbing down the small staircase out of his room.

"good morning grandpa" she smiled to him, before turning her focus back on covering the box of food she has prepared for him.

he no longer was surprised. she did this for him every morning, before he goes to work. she grew up in a way that he could count on her, as she was brave and a hard-worker just like himself.

and although everything was beautiful the way she did it, but he couldn't help and scold her for not listening to him. "aigoo jennie-ah! you did it again?, didn't i tell you to not-"

but it wasn't like she'll let him continue, after all she was from his own blood, and there was something about them that was unique.

she filled her lungs with air to show her unbuilt muscles "aigoo grandpa! again? I'm ten now, so don't try to stop me"

he spanked the back of her head for seeing her imitating him, and after a whine and rub over her head she chuckled with him biting on her tongue.

"you're as stubborn as your dad, may the heavens help me out" hwanjoon heaved a breath, before crouching down to carry the wooden rucksack over his back. she smiled softly, always liking it when he compares her to her parents.

she helped him to stand cautiously, before handing him his lunch box filled with love.

he turned to her just before he would leave the residence. "be safe jennie-ah, don't get into trouble, huh?" she nodded smiling clasping her hands behind her back, moving her hips from side to side.

with that hwanjoon knew he can never trust her for that, therefore; he sighed, and patted her head twice, before walking down the crusty road taking the trail up to their seeding location, to harvest their product for the year.

as soon as he left she turned looking at where they lived. the house looked much better after years of working on it, they repositioned the doors, and renewed the rooftop. with the walls being built again it looked much tougher and stronger than it ever could.

she smiled softly, and walked to where she put the plates of before to clean it. it wasn't hard. being an only kid she had to grow up, and help her grandfather. it wasn't like she had a chance to let someone else do it.

and with it she could find joyous in it that it no longer was tiring, but was more of a game.

suddenly she got into position of attacking holding the chopsticks like swords, "yah! surrender" she yelled, but it wasn't like someone would hear it.

she held the plate as shield, and started to fight against the air that brushed over her hair. being lonely for years, she tended to find fun in everything she did, just so she wouldn't feel the emptiness.


the sun has crossed over and shone right above her head as she sat on the grass in between the flowers. there used to be kids laughing and playing around, but somehow as she grew up the village looked dead and no longer had the same fun as before.

she saw the crowded bazaar from there, things were about to happen, and everyone looked busy, "why can't i be busy too?"

she hugged her legs to her chest letting out a stressful breath, but soon a tiny white butterfly flew past her and landed on one of the daisies around her. her eyes sparkled in amazement as she witnessed the love between the two part of the nature, it was a kiss of promise from the butterfly to the flower that befriended one another.

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