💥F.H (6)💥

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Your pov))
Five and I just sat at our spot observing the city and thinking a lot. I could never get enough of Five's soft side. Call me selfish but I realised, it was for me and me only.

After some time, he stood us up and teleported to the arcades. He gave me his card and let me go off. Five knew I love arcades so I guess this is his way of giving himself time to fully think about this whole power thing, as well as trying to make me happy again.

After an hour or so I went up to Five hinting that I was done here. Of course he got the hint and took us back to the academy to a room I've never seen before.

Five takes my hand and sits us in the floor. He has a serious look.. This can't be good..

"Did you know you had powers?" He asks looking into my eyes.

"I didn't even know you guys existed, or powers." I respond.

"Right then," he gets up.
"Let's see what you can do, shall we?" I nod and get up.

"Okay okay so" he starts, "go to a corner of the room and think about going to a different corner and clench your hands into fists." I do as I'm told, not wanting to mess with the 'serious Five' right now. After a few seconds of solid focusing-


That oh so familiar sound and light absorbs me to the other side of the room, just as Five said to do.

"Well done y/n." Five states and teleports and hugs me. He then takes us to the middle to do other trials. Turns out I have all of their powers, invisibility, healing and telepathy. I wonder how that's only just shown now..

Once we tried out for any power to ever exist, Five teleports somewhere and I can't find him anywhere. I didn't know what to do now so I teleported to my bed and chilled for a while since nobody else was in.

Fives pov))
I had the strongest feeling the Handler was involved. I had to go see her and get some information. With out a word I teleported to the commission, just outside the Handlers office.

As much as I didn't want to see her again, I had to, for y/n. I keep telling myself that as I teleport in, not caring if the Handler was on a call or in a meeting.

I demanded she told me all she knew about y/n but she'd ask other things or try get me to work at this shit hole again. I had enough after 5 minutes so I teleported to the file room. There has to be something here.

I looked for what felt like hours but found nothing. I just know the Handler saw me coming and my motive, so she made a few minor changes.

"Why is it that y/n barely knows the past few years of her life?" I ask after teleporting in-front of the Handler.

"What do you mean?" She replies, trying to avoid the question. "You look great by the way, all things considered."

"I asked her once about what had happened before she met me." I started "and all she could say was umm I'd rather not talk about that since Im not sure. So tell me why that is."

"You really think I had something to do with this?" The Handler sarcastically speaks. I give her a look that makes her speak something useful.
"Let's just say for the first few months of you running around in the apocalypse you weren't alone.." the Handler smirks at me and I start to put the pieces together.

"I do not recall." I state being unsure of my theory.

"Of course you don't.." the Handler said making me more sure of what I think she had done to me and
y/n. She then throws a file on her desk and insinuates I look at it.

The file reads:

Name: Y/n L/n.

Born: 1st October 1989.

Special abilities: All.

Years worked: 8.5 / 10

Any tweeks made: Memory loss

Additional notes: Potential cause of apocalypse, memory can be brought back with a certain word and she is mentally 50 but lives as a teenager.

I read the first page in utter shock. This all makes sense now, she probably did what I did when I was 13 mentally and physically.

I scan the rest of the file to look for any clues of the 'magic word' to bring back her memories. Apparently, she will know how to bring mine back once hers are restored. I can't lie, I saw some nice photos of her. Wait what am I thinking??

I finish reading the file and I have absolutely no idea what the word could be. I may just have to read the dictionary to y/n. I throw the file back to the Handler who was just casually smoking whilst watching me look through the file.

I glare at her as she smirks so I roll my eyes and teleport back to the academy to find it empty. I call out for any sibling and even Grace. There is no response to i rapidly check all the rooms on the bottom I see Grace recharging but still nobody around.

I go up to the bedrooms and last but not least
y/ns room. I see her peacefully sleeping with her earphones in. I hesitantly walk up to her and place a kiss on her head to give her good dreams then head off to my room to try figure out this word...

Your pov))
I didn't realise I fell asleep listening to my wonderful plays list unti I heard doors slam. I thought nothing of it so I tried to go back to sleep again.

I was slowly drifting off when I hear footsteps come towards me. I don't move or open my eyes so that this person will leave me alone.

I hear them sigh then I feel a pair of lips on my forehead. This sent shivers through out but I managed to cover it up easily enough. The next thing I heard was a woosh then I fall back to sleep..

Fives pov))
After hours and hours of calculating with letters and words I think I finally have the word I need..

Back to your pov))
I got interrupted from an actual good dream by no one other than Five himself. He looks at me with hope in his eyes as I sit up, I wonder why.

"You okay?" He asks softly. I yawn and nod.
"I e got something to test out okay? Please don't ask if this goes wrong.." he said. I simply agree since I guess it would be fun to see.

"Focus on what I am about to say okay?"

"Sure sure." I answer.


I get this sharp pain in the back of my head and I black out. I can still feel myself sitting upright though.

My eyes are closed and I can hear Five worriedly call my name, shaking me a little in the process. I just won't budge and I don't know why...


1219 words

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