⛓F.H (8)⛓

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FIVE + Y/N  .  vs  .  THE  .  HANDLER . P2

Your pov))
I can feel the energy run through my body and just as I was about to go full 'maniac' a vision came up..

Fives pov))
I knew y/n had got the message to use the largest amount of power possible, because she started glowing. Not like blinding neon but just enough.

At this point both of us had no idea what the Handler was saying. She does like to waffle a bit which is annoying since she never gets straight to the point. Like c'mon lady, we haven't got all day.

The only thing I can do now is hope.

Hope y/n can control whatever will overtake her, hope she kills the Handler for good, hope I'm not dead too at the end, hope nothing goes wrong-

"Shit." I muttered as the most annoying thing happened. Y/n is having a vision.

"Shiiiiiiit." I whispered again but in sort of relief?

Relief, you may ask
'why would you feel relieved at a time like this?'
Let's just say my idea to spare Herb and Dot payed off pretty well.

There Herb stands with a gun (too big for himself but let's just have a moment to appreciate them) and Dot with a pistol. They both have a briefcase either in one hand or in the floor.

Now, there are two guns aimed for the soon to be deceased, and one at y/n. The three of them start having a conversation that's more like a debate or whatever but I was trying to think of something, anything that can get us out of this.

The fact y/n is having a vision is pissing me off because she can't do anything about what's going on in the real world.

Hold on. What if I can try consciously communicating? Could it work? I don't see why not..

Your pov))
Stupid vision. They always come at the worst times I swear. This time was important. I was showed multiple outcomes of the situation in reality.

I was about to come to the end of a conversation or something when I heard a whisper. Of course the words were muffled since I guess I'm not supposed to be hearing it? I don't know..

There were a few sentences and from what I could hear was that it was Five talking and we got lucky because Herb and Dot were there.

Soon enough after the painful 10 minutes of 'distraction' I noticed things had changed.

Like Five said, we had company. But there was also an intense conversation which I'd class as an argument, but who's to say.

Nobody noticed me. That's an advantage, right? I mean at least the Handler no longer had a gun in hand.

"Guess who's back." I announced. This immediately made the Handler grab her gun again and looked very on edge. Five's smirk could've been seen from a million miles away. Why is he smirking? I honestly have no clue.

"Relax woman, I won't hurt you if you won't for all four of us." I proposed.

Of course! That fucking bitch goes to shoot me but I freeze time. I left Five unfrozen obviously, so he could help me figure out what the force that's he's being held back with is.

"Can she just die already." I raged. Five that son of a bleep laughed. I death stared him and he instantly shut up.


"sorry.." Five muttered so quiet that I could barely hear him.

As I walk over to Five to try pull him away from the force I get taken too. I lose consciousness and time goes again..

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