⛓F.H (2)⛓

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Narrators pov))
Five wiped the blood off your face and drank his coffee. He realised that he wasn't going to be sleeping in his own bed or even sleep at all that night.

Instead he drank the coffee he was going to give to you, showered, changed uniforms and supposedly stayed up all night.

You woke up at around 5am and noticed that the room you were in was unfamiliar. You look around and see a sleeping Five, slouched on his chair.
So much for staying up all night huh.

Your pov))
The sleepy Five gave me a little time to actually look at him. He actually looked quite peaceful compared to usual. All his features weren't far off perfect.

Five looked the same age as me but his mentality and the fact he's an assassin makes me question if he's actually 17. I know it's possible but I have no idea how.

"You know I can feel you staring." Five lazily says with a small smirk.

"I wasn't but okayy." I half-lied. To be honest I wasn't staring I was observing. It's crazy how different people are when they're sleeping.

"Coffee?" He asks while getting up.

"Yeah sure." I reply and teleport to the kitchen where I assume would be the place to get coffee. I was surprised when I saw Five walk in instead of teleport. I don't think he was expecting me to teleport or he just forgot I can too.


"I never finished my tour." Five speaks after sipping his coffee and passing one to me.

"It's a bit early don't you think?" I huff.

"Not a morning person, got it." He laughs.
"Any plans on what you want to do now? You have free choice but you know..?"

"I'm not entirely sure. I'd love to just- you know all the things you'd do as a kid." I reply.

"If it makes you feel any better I didn't have much of a childhood myself." Five said quietly.

"Let me guess, you were involved in saving the world or something." I joke.

"Yes actually.." he started and I gave my attention so he could tell me about it. "On the 1st of October 1989 43 women gave birth all around the world, at the same time. The thing is, they weren't pregnant when the day started. That's how the powers come into it. All of those 43 babies got powers. Sir Reginald Hargreeves managed to buy seven of us and turn us into 'The Umbrella Academy' itself. Reginald trained us to fight off and kill bad guys to save the innocent.
I am one of those 43 and 7."

I sat there dumbstruck. "So you're 30 odd?"

"Older actually."

I don't say anything wanting to hear about this because I am a curious person.

"Okay fine." Five sighs. "When I was around 13 I was very naive and full of attitude. Somehow I figured I could time travel since I heard Reginald speak about it to Pogo who was a chimpanzee but humane. Anyway I tried to get him to let me time travel during dinner once and as expected he said no. I completely ignored him and took off outside the academy. I went to two different years before I landed in an apocalypse, got stuck there for 45 years and got caught up with the commission. Once I figured out how to get back and stop the end of everything, I cut my contract and jumped to this timeline but miscalculated one thing and landed in my teenage body."

His mood changed to a dull saddened one by the end. I can tell the pain he went through from his fine of voice and facial response.

"Woww okay my life is boring compared to yours." I say trying to lighten up the mood.

Five Hargreeves + Aidan Gallagher StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now