⛓F.H (7)⛓

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FIVE + Y/N . vs . THE . HANDLER . P1

Your pov))
Five and I woke up with a jump. This was because the doors of the academy were slammed open. If it was any harder, the doors would be off the hinges.

Footsteps are fast paced and are getting louder by the second. I look at Five and we both whisper-yell 'shit'.

We grab fresh clothes as fast as we can then teleport to a hotel room that was empty and on the top level, of course. This bought us some time to get changed and rethink some things.

I changed in the room while Five in the bathroom. I figured that the Handler brought the strongest agents with her, so we could go to commission headquarters and mess a few things up, while they were searching the academy.

"Ready?" Five asked.

In response I nodded and grabbed his arm. We wooshed to the commission but we were there to witness the Handler delivering a speech to what looks like the whole commission.

I whispered "Trust me, go hide or something." to Five but he gave a look of uncertainty. I ignored it and went invisible to eavesdrop.

From what I could hear, the main purpose is basically to get all the agents killed. The Handler wants to go to 'war?' to 'prepare' just to kill Five.

If I was her right now, I would've waited his death out.

Like come on, who would risk hundreds of thousands of useful people just to eliminate one, one fricken person..

Who even does that..?

Easily, I made my way back to Five unnoticed and informed him on the 'words of wisdom' spoken by probably the worst human on earth.

"Did you get how long or anything?" Five asked. I looked at him like 'are you dumb' because we all know the answer. I guess he wanted something to go on.

Since there was some speech video thing after the Handler disappeared, Five thought to go to the weapons area and get some supplies.

Of course he'd be thinking five steps ahead. If you logically look at the situation, everyone -literally everyone- from the commission was there. So yeah there would be nobody around patrolling or keeping guard since this gathering was 'so' important.

Five teleported with out me so I guess he didn't want me coming.. what am I supposed to do now.?

I hid around behind a bush for a while when Five finally came back.

"What took you so long?" I whisper yell.

"Everything had been moved around so you know.." He replied with a shrug.

Five then pulled out a a few pistols, two weapon belts, a couple of knives, five or six grenades and a easy to handle machine gun.

"You know how to use a gun?" He asked.

"Uh.. yes actually, I was a look out once or twice so I was trained a little." I responded.

"Great. Here put this on and equip yourself. Two of each max." Five demanded. I assumed he knows what he's doing so I just did what he said and fixed me up somethings.

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