⛓F.H (1)⛓

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——-New story——-

Fives pov))
Now that I've gotten rid of the apocalypse and attempted to kill the Handler multiple times, she still won't leave me alone. I've tried everything but she just won't stay dead.

I am on my way to completing the most recent mission she gave me. I have to do this because if I refuse, she'll kill my family with a click of a finger. I'd rather have them alive after me chasing the apocalypse for so long, just to save them.

Anyways I've got to kill a mafia association.
Why you may ask?
I honestly couldn't care why but it the leader has some funny business with the Handler, so she's getting me to 'sort it out'.

I read in the file she gave me, that around 1am is when the whole group is together, probably planning something mischievous. Regardless, it's going to be easier to get the job done if I know where they all are.


I arrive at the mansion and teleport outside a small window so I can see what I'm getting myself into. I see there are around five adults and a teen!? This wasn't included. I guess the Handler never knew about the daughter? -I assume.

I prepare myself and teleport just outside the room. I then burst through the doors..

Your pov))
Both my parents started to make me listen in on the meetings since I was 12 (5 years ago), incase they died and I would take over. If I'm being honest, I don't care. I just want a normal life with out feeling trapped and endangered all the time.

Right now I am stuck in one of those meetings. It's 1 I'm the morning, let me sleeeeeep. Gosh it's not much to ask for.

While they were making plans about something I don't even care about, I heard the oh so familiar woosh noise. Nobody else heard it. Strange I didn't teleport anywhere. As far as I knew, I was the only one with powers.

Yep I have powers. Just about anything really. I can teleport, see the future, go invisible, shape shift objects, I have control over the elements, telekinesis, super strength, super speed, and a lot more.

I don't tend to use them because my parents don't even know about my powers so I'd rather not have them obsess over me. I practice whenever I'm alone; which is most of the day. I figured all these out by myself.  Woo go me!

Enough about me, I'm pretty sure something bad is about to happen since I had a quick vision.

All of a sudden a boy around my age slams open the doors with a murderous smile. That must've been the woosh I heard-
He is who I saw in my vision.

If you're wondering how my 'seeing the future' power works, strangely it only comes up when the unexpected or potential death is about to happen nearby.

I couldn't just hide myself otherwise I'd expose my abilities. Instead I got under the table and then went invisible while everyone's attention was on the boy.

I heard screams, snarky comments from the boy, a lot of wooshes and the oh so lovely squelch of flesh & blood. This boy must be some sort of assassin.

It's quiet for a minute or so. I'm guessing he needed to catch his breath or reboot his energy.
Powers are tiring.

"I know you're here somewhere..." the boy spoke loudly.

I've never feared death but would be a shame to let my powers go to waste. I become visible and pull myself up from under the table and sit on the main chair.

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