⛓F.H (3)⛓

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.First   .   Day   .   Of   .   Training.

Your pov))
I was enjoying my sleep in my nice new comfy, soft, luxurious bed when I heard something I haven't in a while. Stupid alarm clock. I turned it off and was about to go back to sleep until I remembered;
I get to start to learn to fight today.

Call me pathetic and what not but this is the most exciting thing that's happened in a while. Like I said before.. my life was boring.

I pick a decent outfit and head down to grab a morning coffee. It was only 9am but still. I got to get my energy from somewhere. I decided I couldn't be bothered to make my own coffee so I paid Agnes a visit.

She gave me my usual and I gave her double the cash. I always liked to do that when I was 5 before my parents got involved with the mafia crap. Agnes always tries to give it back but I refuse. 'Got to keep a tradition' I always say, wish her a good day and leave.

I teleported back to the academy to the living room on a couch. I managed to scare the shit out of Five. I find it funny he can't get used to someone with the same power as him.

"JEEZ Y/N, you almost made me spill my coffee." Five snaps.

"Get used to it would ya." I chuckle
"so what do you have in mind then." I look towards Five as he grabs a diary? Oh nope never mind it's one of those books Five's dear old dad used to take notes in.

Five told me about his life here and how everyone was treated. Vanya had it the worst; being ignored and lied to her whole life by her so called family. I think Five tops the list actually. All those years alone, all the assassinations, all the bruises and scars. Not once did he get a thank you from any of his siblings. Rude much.

"You ready then?" Five pulls me out of thought.

"Yup les go." I reply..


Narrators pov))
Five taught you the basics. Mainly how to get out of someone's hold in many ways. Now that you can roam around the city he thought it would be best to teach that first.

Of course Five would help you build up in muscle mass, increasing your strength. Even though you have super strength he said you needed more practise with your single use powers before trying to use two at once.

Every hour you'd stop for a 10 minute break. Coffee, bathroom, a snack, whatever you needed in that time provided. Yes there was water for you to grab at any time. (A/n - Hydration is key my g.)

Five made a rota sort of thing. Certain days he'd help you with combat skills, strength and stability and certain days would be dedicated to your powers.

Depending on how quickly you progress in learning would determine how quickly he would combine the two. That was his plan. However, if you went overboard Five already knows the consequences..

Your pov))
Even though Five taught me stuff he was taught as a kid, I'd say it was pretty fun. We would often make a little small talk or laugh if I did something wrong.

I like having a friend who would laugh with me, even at the wrong times. Its just shows how messed up we all are.

The clock hit 8pm so we decided to call it a day and hit the showers. The warmness of the water made me feel relaxed and more tired. So I finished up and went straight to bed. I didn't care if my hair was wet or not, tiredness has overcome and so I fell asleep..

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