Chapter 3- living friends

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"If you don't have clothes, I can lend you some" she offers.

I look at what I'm wearing, this looks alright for a party.

"Let me call my dad, I will ask for permission and I'll tell you what he says" I take my phone and start calling my dad.

"Permission?" she laughs "Do you still ask your dad for permission?" she's saying it as if that's weird, I'm 17 I'm still underage, of course I need to ask for permission, but I suppose is different for every family.

"Hi Allie!" I hear my dad's voice "How was school? Is everything alright? You calling me must mean something happened!" I'm always surprise at how he can be cheerful, cool, dorky and worried all in a single phrase.

"School was good, and I made an acquaintance, I would like to go to a party with her, can I?" Jos looks at me weirdly, as if I said something wrong.

"You... want to go to a party???" my dad asks incredulous.

"yes" I repeat, I normally don't like to repeat myself but he's my dad, he's an exception.

"Hell yeah!!" he shouts and I have to move the cellphone away from my ear. Why is he celebrating?

"Yes! You can really go! Do you need money? Do you want me to pick you up? Are you going to be out all night or just a couple hours?" he asks everything in a single breath.

I look at Jos "How long are we going to be at the party?" I need to know to answer my dad's last question.

"For as long as we want to!" she laughs and I squint my eyes at her that's not a really specific answer.

"Is the party far?" I ask again.

"Yes, but that's alright! I have a car! I will drive you back and forth!" she says and I nod, I can finally reply to my dad.

"I don't need money, I still have some in my wallet. You don't have to pick me up, Jos will take me and I don't know how long I will stay there" I answer all of my dad's questions at the best of my abilities.

"Alright Allie! Have fun!!" he says happily and ends the call.

Why is he so happy? Was he that desperate to have me attending a party?

"He says I can go" I tell Jos but she's still looking at me annoyed and sad.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"So... I'm just an acquaintance?" she says sadly.

I tilt my head, was she expecting me to say friend? I just met her today, we've barely spoken for more than 4 hours.

"Yes. Is that bad?" I ask her.

"Well... I mean, I know we just met but..." she sighs and looks at me again, now determination sparkling in her eyes "What do I have to do to become your friend?".

"I don't know, I've never have living friends" I say and then I realize my weird selection of words. I think I'm also feeling way too comfortable around her to be normal, normally I don't have slips like that.

"Living friends?" she giggles "You're so weird but I like it!" she laughs.

I smile, I'm glad she didn't take it seriously "So... If you haven't have" she giggles "'living friends'" she air quotes "then... am I not the first one? I think we already classify as friends!"

I shrug, she's right, I'm not used to speaking with living creatures but around her it feels natural, I think I can call her a friend.

"mmm, I see. I didn't know that's how one makes friends, in that case, please call me Allie, I like it better than Alice".

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