Chapter 15 - definitely not Jos's room

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They keep walking through the forest while I stay comfy in Jos's back, I like this, not walking and being carried around, before this experience I never thought I would've liked these situations.

ah, I almost forgot "Guys" I start talking. Honestly, I don't think there's any need to explain this, but it's better if I do "From now on, I don't want any meetings between you, it's too risky" I sigh. I should've told them this before, that way we would've avoid this situation. I pinch the bridge of my nose, being in charge is tiring, should I pass the tittle to Jos?

"What?" Linda's shocked voice makes me turn my head to face her. I frown, why does she sound so surprise? "Allie, we failed this time, but we will do better! We're not going to fail next time! You can trust us!" she sounds angry? Why are this people so reactive?

I raise my hand to stop her "We're going to write letters" I explain before she keeps going, something tells me I got misunderstood.

"What?" Wesley asks this time.

"I will let one ghost around you, they can carry small stuff, so when you need to deliver information, use them. I know you can't see them, but they can see you. Just say you need to deliver the information and they will do it" After all, what's the point of training if they don't use what they learn?

We finally arrived at the pack house, Linda returned to the Red River's camp, she plans on telling them they were attacked by the Blue Lake warriors, for a moment I felt tempted on blaming the Silver Dagger on the attack, but it was too risky.

The Red River trusts more in the Silver Dagger than in Aidan's pack, it's better to use the most obvious enemy. I know they don't trust Aidan's pack because they haven't told them that the Silver Dagger is their ally, it would be risky to put the blame on them.

Wesley got surprised when he saw the dome I could create, but I can only do this when I have a ghost strong enough as a medium, I can hardly do things alone, and when I do the recoil is bad, so I don't do it unless I have no other option. Other option is using the energy of the living, like with the tree but I hate to do that. I sigh, Jos told me the name she thought for our pack... I don't like it, but Wesley and Jos seemed to love it, so I just let it be.

I want to sleep so badly right now, so desperately, well... it's dawn so I don't have to wait that much to go to sleep.

"Are you sure they're not going to see us?" Wesley's worried voice takes me out of my thoughts, we're in the backyard of the pack house and he's hesitating to take another step. I turn back and make eye contact with him.

"They will not see us" I already told him this, but I know it's hard to believe.

He nods and we walk to his room, he gets inside, and we say goodbye. Jos and I now walk to our secret base. Lucas should be there, I told Eliza to give him some signals. Eliza can't move anything, but she can create 'sensations', it's hard to explain but Lucas should've had the sensation we were going to arrive shortly.

Jos opens the door and Lucas is there biting his nails anxiously. The dome dissipates and we appear in front of him, making him scream. I cover my ears; his shout is awfully high pitch.

Jos runs at him and hugs him. "I was so scared" she sobs and buries her face in his neck. I hear her smelling him and I frown. Should I look away? That looks... personal.

"I wish you could've had that" Ben says with a sad expression. I tilt my head confuse. Had what? A romantic relationship? Honestly, for as long as I can remember the idea of romantic love has been nothing but a distant dream, I'm not saying I don't crave for it but I'm sure I'm not going to find that. I don't think I have the capacity to fall in love.

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