Chapter 22 - Grey eyes

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The bastard king's warriors keep attacking me, but I just use the black spear to cover me, I cut and pierce them effortlessly, Blacky decided to take the form of a spear, I'm more a knife/dagger person, but I guess everyone has their preferences.

Shouts, scared faces, and death. That's all there is around me right now.

I keep fighting alongside everyone. I jump higher than anyone else, I move faster than the rest, and I kill more coldly than anyone.

Mmmm... it's hard to believe I got used to killing in just a week.

We push them back, but something doesn't feel right, it's too... easy...

There's barely 500 of our enemies left, I frown. What is this unsettling feeling?

It seems they noticed they're highly outnumbered, the few of them left turn around and start running away.

"After them!!" I hear Nick order.

Nick and many of the Blue Lake warriors chase the running enemies.

No, don't follow them. Honestly, at this point I thought I couldn't think any less of Nick, but he always manages to surprise me in the worse ways possible. I sigh annoyed, should I just leave them? I already helped them once, I'm not going to do it a second time.

"NO!! Don't!" Aidan shouts and runs after them.

I see how Aidan and his warriors run after Nick, trying to stop them, but Nick's too far ahead to be stop.


Goddammit, now I have to go after them. I can't let Aidan die. I rub my temples and sigh tiredly.

I order the corpses to stay around the pack house, we can't leave the place unguarded.

I start running after those idiots. Normally, it would be impossible for me to reach them by running, but among everyone here, I'm the strongest right now. Blacky's strength is my own.

I see how Nick reaches the escaping enemies and Aidan quickly reaching them after running like crazy trying to stop Nick.

It's only when Aidan reaches them that more enemies come out from their hiding places. Around 10,000 enemies were hiding.

I fucking knew it. This was a trap.

Seriously, that king doesn't give a damn about their warriors, he used 5000 people to lure Nick and Aidan away from the pack house, completely disregarding the lives of his own warriors.

I don't even know him, but I already hate him.

The few warriors that followed Nick and Aidan, around 700, start fighting against the 10,000 enemies that just appeared... this is an impossible fight.

I force myself to run faster, I need to reach them, I need to make sure my allies stay alive.

I use Blacky's energy to heal the fatal injuries being caused to our warriors, unfortunately this is slowing me down. I bit my lips to ignore the slightly increasing pain and run faster.

The first one I reach is Nick, he looks touched. Why is he looking at me with such sparkly eyes? Does he think I came to him first on purpose? He was just the closest one to me. I keep an annoyed sigh trapped in my throat.

It seems Nick believes I've forgiven him and moved on, but I still dislike him a lot, I don't want to be near him at all. I'm not one to forgive and forget, and I don't give second chances.

I deal with as many enemies as I can, one of them tries to hurt me, but trying to attack me right now is a stupid idea. I just move out of the way and pierce their head; the wolf falls lifeless on the ground.

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